Delivery of Basic Urban Services to the poor : City Government experiences A Presentation By MHT
Individual Water Supply Under Ground Sewerage Individual Toilets & Pay and use Facilities Solid Waste Disposal Service Storm Water Drains Internal Roads and Paving Street Lighting What constitutes Basic Services for the Poor?
The model as it emerged MHT mobilises the community and builds its capacity. MHT facilitates with the Government to implement a water and sanitation programme. The construction costs are a combination of the Government funds and the community. Community contribution usually varies from 15% to 50% of the total cost. This is mobilised through self contribution or Microfinance. CBO continues to liase with the ULB. Reached Over 1,40,000 households over 10 cities in 5 states.
Slum Networking Project Slum Development Industry and Social Institutions Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation (AMC) Non Government Organisation (NGO) Community Partnership and Household Contribution Financial Contribution & Physical Efforts ComponentHousehold (Per Household) NGOIndustryAMCTotal Physical Development Community Development External Linkage with City Infrastructure 3000 Individual Toilet Cost 5800 TOTAL Present cost is approximate Rs.20,000/-per household
Some Important Elements of SNP Integrated package of services. Formulation and registration of a CBO must. Community contribution released last. NGO – CBO partnership brought in flexibility. Inclusion of individual toilets. Exemption from contribution in case of any service existing. Non eviction assurance for 10 years by AMC. MPS/ councilors able to contribute up to 50% of the people’s contribution Individual level services the same, as the mainstream gets.
This construction is not deemed legal or its occupant does not get any legal authorization due to the No Objection Certificate. 500 NOC Scheme
Challenges of Working with the Government Poor perspective changes with the change in administration and governance To bring the back line functions to the front line of the government (provisioning of a special cell/arrangement.) Addressing mind sets/(housing vis a vis basic and serivces) Ideal solution vis avis incremental solution. Bringing in flexibility and Accountability. Coordination between various city/state/parastatal bodies involved in provisioning basic services.
Why Work With The Government ? Reaching larger numbers. Assisting the poor in moving towards Formalisation. Mainstreaming the poor (same level of services as a main stream citizen. Convergence of programmes (ensuring water /sewage/toilets /paved roads.) Enables linkages like inclusion of community in the payment of user charges. Enables sustainable maintenance of the services. Gives rise to new partnerships.(eg. Slum electrification in Ahmedabad.) Community mobilised to further improve living conditions.(invest in housing, striving to buy land) etc.
Policy/Advocacy/Networking At the city state and national level. Delinking from tenure issues. Stress on Individual services. Provisioning of water and sanitation-an approach to housing. Planning for infrastructure to include poor settlements with emphasis on relocated settlements. Addressing the planning norms.(Rajiv Awaas Yojana)
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