Brussels I. Scope of Application Radka Chlebcová
Structure of the presentation Scope of application/Sorts of Jurisdiction Third state problem How efficiently do we read case-law Critical reading Case-law analysis based on critical reading mechanisms (Group Josi and Owusu)
Scope of application Which scopes of application do you know?
Scope of application Temporal Material Territorial Personal
Jurisdictions Exclusive Protective (special) Voluntary appearance Prorogation of jurisdiction Alternative General
What about third states? Extracommunity cases Is Brussels I applicable? Member as well as non-member courts are involved Base for jurisdiction?
Brussels I Silent on this issue! Any clues? ECJ answer?
Group Josi case-law Have you read the cases? Properly? Carefully? Efficiently? Let’s check it!
Group Josi & Owusu case-law Who where the parties? Which court had asked the ECJ for preliminary ruling? Where the plaintiff was domiciled? Where the defendant was domiciled? What was the procedural path of the cases?
Group Josi & Owusu case-law How did the parties argued? Did the ECJ followed the argumentation of one of the parties? The domicile of which party is decisive? Are there any exceptions? In which cases? What is the reasoning for these exceptions? What was the procedural path of the cases? Who was Euromepa?
How to read more efficiently? Reading case-law is hard job Nevertheless: Your future job! Read, understand, analyse, create argument based on the case law Critical reading helps to read better
Critical reading Reading of statutes and case-law and thinking of the content It’s a learned skill! To get ideas, deeply comprehend and analyse your task or client’s question carefully, comprehensively, and efficiently
3 steps of critical reading Get the context Skim the text Read and question the text Repeat the third step multiple times
Reading judicial opinions Caption Holdings Contextual information – Procedural history and Facts statement – Issue or issues – Court’s analysis The rule The holding or holdings (conclusion) The reasoning Dicta – The judgment – Concurring or dissenting opinions
Group Josi C-412/98 Start with the hand out’s questions After answering the simpler one go the court’s reasoning Analyse every step of the argumentations
Mentioned articles Art. 5(2) Art. 23 Art. 24 Art. 22
Remember! The Brussels I system of jurisdiction rules is not usually based on the plaintiff’s domicile Nor is it based on the nationality The fundamental principle is defendant’s domicile. Exceptions are expressly specified
Owusu C-281/02 Start with the hand out’s questions After answering the simpler one go the court’s reasoning Analyse every step of the argumentations
From the argumentation International nature of convention No legal relationship involving a number of member states Comparison with the exclusive jurisdiction and prorogation, lis pendens Internal market argument
Remember International element may derived from involvement of member and non- member state. Art. 2 is mandatory in the nature – no derogation except expressly provided for It’s not possible to use forum non convenience for denying jurisdiction
Conclusion Critical reading and analysis skills are essential for you future job Read read read and never give up! Thank you for your attention!
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