Consequences of Uses of Computing Computers and Society
Lesson Objectives Collaborate on a group slideshow about technological changes Demonstrate your knowledge and understanding of Health & Safety with ICT Demonstrate and explain how sources of information can be evaluated
Task Continue and complete your collaborative slideshow about Technological Changes using Google Docs and Google Drive Research and create a poster about Health & Safety and ICT ex.htm ex.htm Evaluate and rank the reliability of different Information Sources Analyze the Harvard Referencing System
Legal and Ethical Issues Links urces_of_data/miniweb/index.htm urces_of_data/miniweb/index.htm level_Computing/AQA/Computer_Components,_The_Stored_Progra m_Concept_and_the_Internet/Consequences_of_Uses_of_Computin g/Legal_and_ethical_issues level_Computing/AQA/Computer_Components,_The_Stored_Progra m_Concept_and_the_Internet/Consequences_of_Uses_of_Computin g/Legal_and_ethical_issues level_Computing/AQA/Computer_Components,_The_Stored_Progra m_Concept_and_the_Internet/Consequences_of_Uses_of_Computin g level_Computing/AQA/Computer_Components,_The_Stored_Progra m_Concept_and_the_Internet/Consequences_of_Uses_of_Computin g
assess the issues of Copyright and information technology on society
Lesson Objectives Prepare and present a critical argument on a given topic Prepare and present a professional visual resource to back up and explain your arguments Organise yourself and others within a group setting
Copyright or Copywrong? You will be split into 2 groups for and against the Copyrighting of material and content You will need to create a slideshow for your presentation of your arguments The slideshow or resource needs to be professional looking, concise and relating to any arguments you are using Use Photos, Images or Video or Diagrams as visual aids
YouTube Copyright School Video Clip Here…
Lesson Objectives Prepare and present a critical argument on a given topic Prepare and present a professional visual resource to back up and explain your arguments Organise yourself and others within a group setting
Copyright or Copywrong? You need to look into and research the arguments into Copyright You will be split into 2 groups for and against the Copyrighting of material and content You will need to create a slideshow for your presentation of your arguments The slideshow or resource needs to be professional looking, concise and relating to any arguments you are using Use Photos, Images or Video or Diagrams as visual aids
Group Assignments You will need 2 or 3 researchers 1 or 2 of you to create the resources, visual aids or slideshow Speaker to present your arguments and an alternate
Checklist 1.Arguments are clearly presented 2.Examples to support your arguments and points re provided orally and visually 3.Resources and visual aids are clear and professional looking 4.Speaker had 5 minutes maximum to make arguments
Links level_Computing/AQA/Computer_Components,_The_Sto red_Program_Concept_and_the_Internet/Consequences _of_Uses_of_Computing/Legislation#Copyright level_Computing/AQA/Computer_Components,_The_Sto red_Program_Concept_and_the_Internet/Consequences _of_Uses_of_Computing/Legislation#Copyright pyrightrev1.shtml pyrightrev1.shtml creative-commons creative-commons
Copyright, Health, Safety and Technology
Lesson Objectives Be able to debate and discuss issues relating to Copyright Law and DRM Apply understanding of heath and safety legislation Create a Health and Safety poster outlining your own policy rules and regulations
DRM Video Clip
DRM and you… Read through the notes and complete the discussion question at the end of the page level_Computing/AQA/Computer_Components,_The_ Stored_Program_Concept_and_the_Internet/Conseq uences_of_Uses_of_Computing/Digital_rights_mana gement level_Computing/AQA/Computer_Components,_The_ Stored_Program_Concept_and_the_Internet/Conseq uences_of_Uses_of_Computing/Digital_rights_mana gement ct_ict/copyright_designs_patents_act/miniweb/index.htm ct_ict/copyright_designs_patents_act/miniweb/index.htm Quiz pyright.htm pyright.htm Extension Reading 3/death-of-drm-good-news 3/death-of-drm-good-news 06/tech-digital-locks-drm-tpm-rights-management- protection-measures-copyright-copy-protection.html 06/tech-digital-locks-drm-tpm-rights-management- protection-measures-copyright-copy-protection.html nt_technology.htm nt_technology.htm Using the links below, research DRM and UK Copyright Law and deice for yourself if you are for or against the use of DRM gital_rights_management nloads_streaming/miniweb/pg5.htm rg/what_is_drm_digital_restricti ons_management
Heath, Safety and Technology Using the notes below, answer the questions at bottom of the page level_Computing/AQA/Computer_Components,_The_Stored_Program_Concept_and_the_Inte rnet/Consequences_of_Uses_of_Computing/Legislation#Copyright level_Computing/AQA/Computer_Components,_The_Stored_Program_Concept_and_the_Inte rnet/Consequences_of_Uses_of_Computing/Legislation#Copyright Notes Quiz Using your knowledge of good Health and Safety practice, create a Health and Safety poster outlining your own policy rules and regulations