ORIGINS OF ISLAM Developed in the middle east in the 7 th century C.E. Islam (Library." Islam Origins, Islam History, Islam Beliefs ) It was founded on the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad (Library." Islam Origins, Islam History, Islam Beliefs). The Qur’an is the sacred text of Islam and contains the teachings of the Prophet that were revealed to him from Allah (Library." Islam Origins, Islam History, Islam Beliefs) It is a Monotheistic religious tradition (A belief that there is only one God.) (Library." Islam Origins, Islam History, Islam Beliefs). There are two divisions within the religion. One is Sunni and the other is Shi’a (Library." Islam Origins, Islam History, Islam Beliefs).
ORIGINS OF ISLAM Each division claims different means of maintaining religious authority (Library." Islam Origins, Islam History, Islam Beliefs) Both believe in the fundamental practices of Islam or the Five Pillars. These practices include a ritual profession of faith, ritual prayer, the zakat (charity), fasting, and the hajj (a pilgrimage to Mecca). (Library." Islam Origins, Islam History, Islam Beliefs) They have a strong commitment to prayer. Praying five times daily to Allah (Library." Islam Origins, Islam History, Islam Beliefs) Starting in the Arabian peninsula its influence has expanded throughout Africa, Asia, Europe, and the Americas (Library." Islam Origins, Islam History, Islam Beliefs).
Tenets of Islamic Belief Fundamental Articles of Faith God It is believed that there is only one God, Allah, who they believed created the universe and humankind ( Angels Frequently mention in the Qur’an. Are believed to be the messengers of God ( They have a strong influence on both the life of humans and the life of the universe ( They are believed to keep a log of the actions of the living. They will then stand for them on the Day of Judgment (
Tenets of Islamic Belief Books (Scriptures) It is a Islamic belief that Gods messages consist of four books: Torah, Psalms, Gospels, and Qur’an. All four books are regarded as holy scriptures. However, the three books preceding the Qur’an are believed to contain certain human imperfections ( The Qur’an is considered the noblest of the books and as a result the earlier books were believed to be abrogated (
Tenets of Islamic Belief Prophets (Messengers) It is believed that God send prophets or messengers to proclaim the Oneness of God and to warn humanity of the future judgment ( There are many prophets mention in the Qur’an. Some from the Old Testament (Adam, Noah, Abraham, Ishmael, Ezra). Three from the New Testament ( Zacharias, John, Jesus). ( Muhammad’s life and death signified the end of prophecy since his mission satisfied the need or demand for any other prophet (
Tenets of Islamic Belief The Day of Judgment The last day or the final Day of Judgment. This takes up an very important place in the Qur’an. It signifies the coming of “The Guided One” ( Muslims believe on the last day the dead will resurrect and judgment will be pronounced on everyone according to their deeds (
Expectations of Practicing Muslims Muslims are expected to live according to Islamic law which is called Sharia, or “God’s Way” ("English-Online“). They’re not allowed to steal, lie, commit adultery, gamble, eat pork, or drink alcohol ("English-Online“). They must dress modestly. In some countries, women must cover their head or face or both. Most men wear a beard because Mohammad also ha one ("English-Online“). Respect for parents is very important as well as helping the poor, faith in God, kindness, honesty, and hard work ("English-Online“).
Expectations of Practicing Muslims Every Muslim is expected to perform five duties those duties are faith. Only a person who believes in Allah and his prophet, Muhammad can be called a true Muslim. Each Muslim must pray five times daily. At dawn, noon, mid- afternoon, sunset, and before going to bed and must face the holy city of Mecca when doing so. Almsgiving is a way of helping the poor. They must also pay tax called “Zakat” to the community once each year. Fast during Ramadan and once in their life time if they are strong enough and can afford it, must go on a pilgrimage to Mecca. When doing so, men must wear plain white robes and women must wear a long white gown and a headscarf ("English- Online“).
THE ROLE OF ISLAM IN AFGHAN POLITICS AND IN AFGHAN LIFE It is important for the Islamic people to integrate religious leaders into the political process. They feel their devotion to Allah and Muhammad should be taken into consideration by the government when making decisions that directly affect the people ("Role of Religion in Afghan Politics: Evolution and Key Trends“). Having two divisions within the tradition, (Sunni and Shi’a) conflict is often common. Each claims different means of maintaining religious authority ("Role of Religion in Afghan Politics: Evolution and Key Trends“).
THE ROLE OF ISLAM IN AFGHAN POLITICS AND IN AFGHAN LIFE With the influence of the international community and Western nations alike the role of religious figures has declined. As a result many Muslims feel conflicted and at a loss of representation on behalf of the government ("Role of Religion in Afghan Politics: Evolution and Key Trends“).
WORKS CITED "Library." Islam Origins, Islam History, Islam Beliefs. N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Oct "" N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Oct "English-Online." Islam. N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Oct Sharma, Prakhar. "Role of Religion in Afghan Politics: Evolution and Key Treds." N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Oct