Claudio Allocchio - VP Technical Programme TERENA GA - Zagreb May The TERENA 3-years strategy David Willians President Claudio Allocchio VP Technical Programme TERENA GA - Zagreb May
Claudio Allocchio - VP Technical Programme TERENA GA - Zagreb May years rolling cycle Technical directions discussed at the TNC time First tech/financial evaluation of projects before the summer Detailed budget plans by October for approval by GA Review of project and results at next TNC Aims to better integrate technical and financial planning
Claudio Allocchio - VP Technical Programme TERENA GA - Zagreb May Strategy Be active in SIAs - typically via TFs And in FP6 projects where TERENA presence would be useful In addition, pursue much closer relations with academic IT communities Any other SERENATE outcomes? Nothing comes for free, including FP6 projects!
Claudio Allocchio - VP Technical Programme TERENA GA - Zagreb May Special Interest Areas Lower Layers (IPv6, MPLS, VPNs etc.) –Quality of Service (including DiffServ ) Videoconferencing and Streaming (Including IP Telephony) –Content Delivery, Indexing and Searching Middleware (security, AAA) Mobility Grid and Campus coordination, across all the SIAs
Claudio Allocchio - VP Technical Programme TERENA GA - Zagreb May GÉANT next generation GÉANT next phase –Proposal submitted by NRENs –TERENA and DANTE as proposal participants –TERENA role in dissemination? –TERENA to contribute other work items, including TFs activities –TERENA and DANTE as members of the NRENs Consortium
Claudio Allocchio - VP Technical Programme TERENA GA - Zagreb May FP6 projects - GEANT2 The key FP6 project for the community Inside the project we should ensure that there are resources for:- –Compendium –(in 4 years time) next SERENATE –Human "network of excellence" - funding for "TF- NGN"-like activities - not at all limited to lower layers –What else ????? –Localise measuement performance tools? (I2)
Claudio Allocchio - VP Technical Programme TERENA GA - Zagreb May FP6 projects - others EGEE –Already submitted GARDEN and GRANDE –Discussed at session 2c –General support, with request for more information –Complementary - can they be merged or work together more closely? –When testbeds are in production they should become accessible for NREN trials via GEANT2 –TERENA encouraged to participate at 100% funding
Claudio Allocchio - VP Technical Programme TERENA GA - Zagreb May Other FP6 Projects 6NEXUS (Network of Excellence for IPv6) –TERENA contacted as dissemination partner and workshop organiser MOME (Monitoring and Measurement cluster) –TERENA contacted as project coordinator
Claudio Allocchio - VP Technical Programme TERENA GA - Zagreb May Other "smaller" projects PAPI/PERMIS integration –Well received –Must be done! –TERENA should contribute 10K –Other (not ONLY NRENs, ALSO PROJECTS) find the rest (40K)
Claudio Allocchio - VP Technical Programme TERENA GA - Zagreb May TERENA Added Value On pan-european level –Enable real life proof of concept, including first deployment of leading-edge products –Help standardisation
Claudio Allocchio - VP Technical Programme TERENA GA - Zagreb May Closer relations with Academic IT Euro compatible AAA and Middleware deployment More uniform approach to IT applications (GRIDs, Metadata, Data sharing, …) This MIGHT develop into an FP6 Integrated Project (October 2004?) It will need a LOT of preparation It needs to start with a SERIOUS workshop (~6 months)
Claudio Allocchio - VP Technical Programme TERENA GA - Zagreb May SERENATE issues Are there any specific actions which will result from SERENATE? The most likely area where we could have an impact is in trying to help reduce the impact of the "digital divide" inside Europe. Not so much directly technical as techno-political - but it would take some resources
Claudio Allocchio - VP Technical Programme TERENA GA - Zagreb May Suggestions Even more users' support/outreach NRENs management workshop? Understand the communities we connect and their requirements (in order not to be ovetaken by their decisions)
Claudio Allocchio - VP Technical Programme TERENA GA - Zagreb May Questions?