Developing a Methodological Framework for Developing Local and Regional Plans for Social Inclusion Overview of the Project Haroon Saad Director – QeC-ERAN First Steering Group Meeting, Brussels, 7 – 8 November 2005
LAP’S AND RAP’S Key elements of the project Policy context Objectives of project Key actions Outcomes/Products Project Management Budget
LAP’S AND RAP’S Policy Context NAPs EU-SILC OMC Issues emerging
LAP’S AND RAP’S Aim and Objectives Overall aim is to develop a framework and methodology for the creation of local/regional action plans for social inclusion –with links to wider/national action plans –linked to six priority themes
LAP’S AND RAP’S Aims and Objectives (cont.) Six Priority Themes 1.Promoting investment in and tailoring of active labour market measures to meet the needs of those who have the greatest difficulties in accessing employment; 2.Ensuring that social protection schemes are adequate and accessible for all and that they provide effective work incentives for those who can work; 3.Increasing the access of the most vulnerable and those most at risk of social exclusion to decent housing, quality health and lifelong learning opportunities; 4.Implementing a concerted effort to prevent early school leaving and to promote smooth transition from school to work; 5.Developing a focus on eliminating poverty and social exclusion among children; 6.Making a drive to reduce poverty and social exclusion of immigrants and ethnic minorities.
LAP’S AND RAP’S Aims and Objectives (cont.) Objectives: –to develop and undertake 4 transnational Peer Review And Development Workshops. –to develop an Online Good Practice Exchange, which would brings together access to resources, case studies connections with practioners and policy officers for developing local, regional and National plans. –to assist local partners to develop / improve local or regional plans for social inclusion.
LAP’S AND RAP’S Key Actions 4 Peer Review Exchange and Development Workshops –3 delegates per partner –3 nights/2days duration –Expert input –First in Praque – Focus on establishing a framework and methodology –Second, Third, Fourth (Rome, Lisbon and Venice) – Focus on one or more priority themes
LAP’S AND RAP’S Key Actions (cont.) Local Development Groups (LDGs) –Cross Sectoral –Regional and National Representation/Connection –Undertakes participation in Peer Review programmes Local/Regional Plans –LDGs Responsible
LAP’S AND RAP’S Key Actions (cont.) Online Good Practice Exchange and Development Forum –Case Studies –Contacts –Links Production of Framework and Methodology for LAP’s and RAP’s
LAP’S AND RAP’S Outcomes/Product a Peer Review Exchange And Development Programme that would involve 120 participants. the production of a Framework And Methodology Guide for developing local and regional action plans for social inclusion. an Online Good Practice Exchange And Development Forum, which would bring together access to resources, case studies connections with practioners and policy officers. Local/Regional Plans Three Reports – Linked to key priorities Annual dissemination and mainstreaming workshops in each partner location Case Studies – 30-40
LAP’S AND RAP’S Project Management 4 Steering Group Meetings Project Steering Group Local Co-ordinaters Local Development Groups Project Management Team Common Products PREWs Reports Case Studies + Contacts On-line exchange Common Methodology
LAP’S AND RAP’S Budget: Year One Total Budget: € , 10 Commission Grant: € , 10 Co-Financing:€ , 00 Venice:€ , 00 All other partners:€ 7.370, 00
LAP’S AND RAP’S Budget: Year One (cont.) Local Co-Ordination= € ,00/per partner (29 days at € 300/day) Steering Group Meetings = € ,00 (2 meetings – one delegate – 3/2 nights)
LAP’S AND RAP’S Budget Year One (cont.) Website (development and maintenance)€ 9.300,00 Mid-Term Report € 7.800,00 –Translation € 2.400,00 (including translation into Italian; Spanish; Portuguese; Greek; Czech and Slovenian; €40 per page x 10 pages per language) PREW-One (Prague)€11.110,00 (includes interpretation Italian; Czech and Spanish and Translation (summary) of report)
LAP’S AND RAP’S Budget Year One (cont.) PREW – Two (Rome)€ , 00 (includes interpretation Italian; Spanish and one other) Transnational co-ordination € , 00 (inclusive Audit) Overheads€ , 10 TOTAL= € , 10