Tips & Tools for Winning Presentations Instructor Name
Goal Residents will improve their formal presentation techniques to become more effective presenters.
Objectives At the end of the session, the learner will be able to: Identify the components of an effective presentation Describe techniques to increase presentation effectiveness
Today’s Message Effective Presentations Are... Good Communication.
Presentation Components Visuals Content / Structure Delivery 1. Introduction 2. Body 3. Closing
Content / Structure Tell Them What You Are Going To Tell Them. Tell Them. Tell Them What You Told Them.
Effective Presentations Content / Structure: Introduction Introduce Topic Create & Capture Interest Question Quotation Declarative Statement Scenario Describe a Case Fresh & Attentive
Content / Structure: Body No more than 3–5 Main Points per Lecture Examples, Metaphors, Visuals, Cases Repeat to Reinforce Be Organized – Easier to Follow Mind Begins Wandering
Content / Structure: Closing Summarize Key Points Tie Things Together Influential Finish Alert, yet Restless
Presentation Components Content / Structure Delivery
Don’t Read! Be Conversational Voice (Speed & Tone) Colorful Language Repeat
Delivery Interactivity – Involve Audience Body Language & Eye Contact Laugh At Yourself Be Genuine Convey Enthusiasm!!!! Keep Track of Time
Key Point Deliver With Style
Presentation Components Visuals Content / Structure Delivery
Effective Visuals Don’t write your entire presentation on your slides Just reinforce your major points Make it Big Keep it Simple Make it Clear
Key Points Content: “Tell Them” Rule Delivery: Deliver with Style Visuals: Compliment your talk (don’t let them be your talk)