You’ve Got to S-M-I-L-E!
(805) cell (805) home (805) work Cheryl D.Volden CA/NV Training Coordinator
Customer Service Friendly Diligent Quick Knowledgeable Attentive Upbeat Creatively helpful Efficient Empathetic Eager to please Poised Optimistic Honest and fair Solution-oriented Able to understand customers’ requests
Always Listen attentively Speak clearly Maintain a positive attitude Avoid technical terms or fancy words Give customers a feeling of confidence in them, the information they give, and the organization they represent Make every customer feel important Soothe ruffled feathers
Say What? Face to Face Communication Telephone Communication –55% body language –38% tone of voice –7% words –82% tone of voice –18% words
Vocal Qualities Tone –Expresses feeling or emotion Inflection –Emphasizing words and syllables to enhance message Pitch –How high or deep voice sounds Rate –How many words spoken per minute Volume –How loud or soft voice sounds
Rapport Be a problem solverBe friendly Be sensitive Be trustful Find common ground Be helpful Be committed
Time For A Rapport Exercise
S = Stop and Listen M = Make Notes I = Identify Issues L = Learn E = Educate and Evaluate What’s S – M – I – L – E?
S = Stop and Listen Stop and focus entirely on your customer; Give them your full attention Listen, Listen, Listen –For what is not said (tone, emotion, etc.) –Without interrupting –Remain objective; do not judge –Try not to think of your response when the customer is talking
Time For A Listening Exercise
M = Make Notes Make Notes on the key points mentioned Make note of the customer’s name and fraternal unit May need to be “mental” notes Paraphrase What did the customer tell you?
I = Identify Issues What’s the issue? “Opening statement” What does the customer need? –Keep the questions simple Ask questions –Ask open questions when you need information –Ask closed questions to control the conversation Summarize what the customer needs
L = Learn Learn to use the customer’s name Show your interest in the customer’s needs Be empathetic to the customer’s feelings Let the customer know his or her options Say “please” and “thank you”
E = Educate and Evaluate Educate the customer –Use language your customers understand –Take it down a notch Keep it simple silly Evaluate and follow-up with the customer
Time For A Skill Exercise
Summary We are customer service representatives of Moose International, our associations, districts, and our lodges, chapters, and legions We should be learning something everyday The principles discussed today also apply to –Learning to write well by formulating your thoughts clearly and conveying the correct message is the most important skill for
Don’t forget to S – M – I – L – E