Do Now for 12/3/13 Open books to page B-34 and write up lab HW: Practical Exam on Friday Review how to carry out tests
B18 Properties of Plastic Introduce B18Introduce B18 Lab safetyLab safety Draw data tableDraw data table Heat and acetone testsHeat and acetone tests Density testsDensity tests
B18 Properties of Plastic B18 data table
B18 Properties of Plastic Lab SafetyLab Safety –Goggles and aprons –Alcohol will feel cool on your skin and burn your eyes. Wash it off. –Dry your plastic samples between each container.
Do Now for 12/3/13 Take out B 18 write up HW: Analysis 1, 2,4 Study for lab practical exam
B18 Properties of Plastic Plastic - Capable of being molded. A material that contains organic polymer molecules that at some stage in its manufacture can be shaped by flow before becoming solid.Plastic - Capable of being molded. A material that contains organic polymer molecules that at some stage in its manufacture can be shaped by flow before becoming solid.
B18 Properties of Plastic Relative density - The density of a substance (mass per unit volume) in relation to another substance. It is a qualitative comparison rather than a quantitative measure of density. See also density.Relative density - The density of a substance (mass per unit volume) in relation to another substance. It is a qualitative comparison rather than a quantitative measure of density. See also density.
B18 Properties of Plastic Analysis questions 1,2,4Analysis questions 1,2,4 1. Using evidence from your table, identify which of the plastics scratched. How will this property affect their use?1. Using evidence from your table, identify which of the plastics scratched. How will this property affect their use? –All of the plastics scratched.
B18 Properties of Plastic 2. Below is a scale showing the relative density of the 4 liquids you used to determine the density of the plastics.2. Below is a scale showing the relative density of the 4 liquids you used to determine the density of the plastics. –A. Which was the most dense? Why? –B. Which was the least dense? Why? –C. Make a copy of the scale in the book. Show where each plastic fits on the scale.
B18 Properties of Plastic 2A. Polyvinylchloride (PVC) because it sunk in all 4 liquids. The other plastics floated in saltwater, the densest of the liquids.2A. Polyvinylchloride (PVC) because it sunk in all 4 liquids. The other plastics floated in saltwater, the densest of the liquids. 2B. Polypropylene (PP) is the least dense because it floats in the alcohol/water mixture, and all other samples sunk.2B. Polypropylene (PP) is the least dense because it floats in the alcohol/water mixture, and all other samples sunk.
B18 Properties of Plastic 2C.2C. ________________________________________________________________________ AlcoholAlcohol/Watersalt waterwater PP HDPE PS PVC PP HDPE PS PVC
B18 Properties of Plastic 4a. Nail polish remover (high in acetone) container.4a. Nail polish remover (high in acetone) container. –PP or HDPE because they are not affected by acetone. 4b. Dishwasher safe food container.4b. Dishwasher safe food container. –PP or HDPE because they are not affected by heat. 4c. Sports drink container.4c. Sports drink container. –HDPE because it does not crease and is not affected by heat.
B18 Properties of Plastic Lab practical test.Lab practical test. –You will receive an unidentified sample of plastic (it will be a different color than the samples we studied) –You will carry out all the tests we did over the last two days and use that data to correctly identify your sample of plastic. –You can place anything you want on ONE SIDE of a 3x5 card to help you with the task.