Mladen Šimunac President of the board Budva,May 2008
Presentation Structure MICRO grupa Introduction RR–standard e-opcina (e-municipality) –What is e-opcina –Benefits of e-opcina for local and regional development
MICRO grupa Introduction MICRO grupa is the largest regional consulting company whose progress is based on creating successful, vocational and practical solutions in a positive environment MICRO grupa is a system consortium of companies specialized in providing information, education and business solutions consulting. MICRO grupa currently employs over 60 consultants specialized in marketing, management, finance, regional development and EU funds. Countries in the region in which MICRO grupa is active
Member Companies MICRO projekt d.o.o. Poslovne Dimenzije d.o.o. IMPLEMENTING MICRO bilanca d.o.o. MICRO projekt d.o.o. CONSULTING MICRO edukacija d.o.o. EDUCATING MICRO info d.o.o. INFORMING Member companiesPyramid of services
Contribution to Regional Development MICRO grupa established the Centre for Sustainable Local Government (CSLG). CSLG clients are: –Local government units (municipalities, cities and regions) –Companies owned by local government units –Public institutions (Ministries and National Agencies, and others) –State owned companies CSLG provides the following solutions for its clients: –Establishment of RR-standards (Regional development standards) –Set up and support for e-opcina (e-municipality)
RR–standards Vision - To improve the standard of living of the local population and to inspire balanced development of the local and regional areas. Main goal - To detect the key factors' current state in the different development phases of the elements and processes for local government units. Benefits - –Easier definition of priorities –Continuous support system of specialists in projects implementation –Effective public resources management –Global best practice examples –Promoting success stories
e-opcina e-opcina is a business solution developed by MICRO grupa. e-opcina is intended for employees in local government units: Mayors, heads of departments, administration and other departments. e-opcina enables with: – Information accessibility – Document archiving and management – Management of local government units – Projects planning and development and – Quick accesses to information about European Union and pre- accession funds. Module 3: Management of projects in local government units Module 1: Archiving, searching and informing Module 2: Management of local government units Module 4: Services for and communication with citizens
Module 1: Archiving, searching and informing Goal: Informing local government units in due time, facilitating business activities and enabling recognition for project application. Content: Module contains all information necessary for day-to-day operations of local government units: laws, rules and regulations, strategic documents on national and regional level, important information about EU, etc. Benefits of this module: – Facilitates work – Decreases the gap in knowledge between individual employees – Creates the need for continuous communication between employees – Provides the Mayor with support for meetings – Enables quicker access to information – Presents information on possibilities for EU funding
Module 2: Management of local government unit Goal: to facilitate management of all resources: space, people, time and finances Content: Module contains numerous granules sections important for management of individual processes: – Space: spatial plans on local and regional level – Document management and correspondence important for local government units: Human Resource Management and Knowledge base – Development: strategic measures according to development strategy – ISO: Standardized processes inside the local government units Benefits of module: – Easier administration – Transfer of knowledge and information – Easier monitoring of work processes of employees – Easier management of development of local government units – Easier search of project ideas – Standardization of processes
Module 3: Management of projects in local government unit Goal: to provide easier planning and management in projects development and implementation in the area of specific local government unit s Content: Module consist of tools necessary for easier management of projects: WBS ( Work Brakedown Structure ), GANTT Charts, BUDGETING, etc. Benefits of module: – Facilitates planning, monitoring and management of project – Facilitates decisions by prioritizing projects – Timely distribution of resources (human and financial) – Facilitated communication inside the local government units (project teams) – Easier communication (reporting) with financial institutions (investment banks, EU funds, World bank, etc.) – Risk management
Module 4: Services for and communication with citizens Benefits of module: – Transparency of local government units – Improved Approach of local government to the citizens – Inclusion of citizens in local government development – Dealing with citizens issues – Insight into development plans – Insight into budget allocation Goal: To make the activities of local government units transparent. Content: Module consists of numerous sections, such as: budgets, projects, applications, spatial plans, etc. and it encourages two-way communication between citizens and local government (applications for meeting, public discussion...).
Why e-opcina? All documents of local government units are stored in one place (online) in e-opcina and can be accessed at any time in any place Slow administration Important documents are adjusted to local government units (laws, regulations, spatial plans, regional operation plans, development plans) Large number of documents makes it difficult to distinguish what is important Development measures (Project process – idea, development and implementation) It is hard to get the funding due to lack of developed projects e-opcina is adjusted for every local government unit and regional development agency Complex programs are not used because it is difficult for employees to work on them Knowledge base sustainability Knowledge leaves local government when employees leave and it is hard to sustain and transfer knowledge Patterns and forms necessary for everyday work- administration A lot of time is spent on writing tasks and documentation
Annex e-opcina Modules in Detail
Module 1: Archive, Search and Inform Legal Documents Regulation, Operational Manuals and Procedures Laws Public Procurement Templates and Guidelines for Public Procurement Regulations and Laws for Public Procurement Strategic Documents of the Specific Country European Union Documents Project Development Useful Rules and Instructions General EU Information EU Programs for the Specific Country EU Contacts in the Country Regional Operational Programs Programs for Development
Module 2: Processes within the Local Government Unit Secretariat Correspondence Filing Records Contacts Local Government Unit’s Areas (land) Detailed Plans General Urban Plan Regional Area Plan Municipality Legal Acts, Decisions, Instructions, Budget, Status, Employed, etc. Development Knowledge Forums, Conferences, Seminars, Workshops, etc. ISO
Module 3: Projects in the Local Government Unit Development of Strategic Documents and Programs Ecology and Environment Protection Health Education Social Care Culture Public Areas Sport and Recreation Utilities Infrastructure Subsidy Infrastructure for the Business
Module 4: Services for and communication with citizens Budget in Detail Program for General Development Area Plans Citizens Questions Public Forum Request for Meetings Base of Project Ideas Liaison Council Council Meetings Announcements Tenders
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