Current Research on Slope Stabilization with In-situ Reinforcement J. Erik Loehr Department of Civil Engineering University of Missouri - Columbia
Ongoing Research Projects Slope Stabilization Using Recycled Plastic Pins Missouri Department of Transportation Epoch Composite Products The Judy Company Stabilization of Earth Slopes Using Reticulated In-situ Reinforcement National Science Foundation
In-situ Reinforcement of Slopes after Bruce and Jewell, 1986
Key Issues being investigated Limiting soil pressure Influence of member spacing Influence of member size Axial vs. lateral load transfer Influence of member orientation Effect on overall stability Group/network effects
Field Demonstration Sites Slope Angle General Characteristics I-435 (Wornall Rd.) 2.2:1 Zoned embankment I-435 (Holmes Rd.) 2.5:1 US 36 (Stewartsville) Zoned cut I-70 (Emma) Homogeneous fill US 54 (Fulton) 3.2:1 Homogeneous cut All surficial failures!!
I435-Wornall Rd Slide
I435-Wornall Rd. Site Layout
I435-Wornall Rd. Completed Installation
US36-Stewartsville Slide
US36 Stewartsville Site Layout
US36-Stewartsville Completed Installation
Large-scale Laboratory Modeling
Purpose of Large-scale Tilt Box Intermediate to full-scale field tests and centrifuge testing Will permit Rapid evaluation of alternative reinforcement scenarios and methods at near field scale Construction using “field-like” equipment Calibration of numerical models
Small-scale Tilt Device
Other Activities Back-analysis of case histories Numerical modeling Stability prediction contest