24 September 2011 Troop 200 Yorktown VA Troop Leader Training 24 September 2011 Troop 200 Yorktown VA
TLT Overview Vision of success Organizational structure: your framework What is expected of me? What tools do I have? How will I know if I’m leading well? Tips to get started What is expected of me? Lead the PLC and semi-annual planning conference Communicate Plan ahead Help patrols prepare Know abilities of your staff Encourage advancement Be a good example Devote time Live by the Oath and Law Involve others What tools do I have? This training Troop leadership tng Scouting literature Staff (ASPLs, PLs, Scribe, etc) Adult leaders Web site How will I know if I’m leading well? Are you doing your best? Activity debriefs Tips to get started Keep your word Be fair to all Be flexible Be organized Delegate Set the example Be consistent Give praise Ask for help Have fun
Show Peanut Butter Jelly time video Don’t let distractions upset you!
Vision of Success Group discussion What defines success for Troop 200? How can we achieve success? What are our goals? How do we set the example? How do we communicate effectively? How do we manage scouts in a large troop?
Troop 200 Organization Scoutmaster SPL ASPL ASPL Quartermaster ASPL ASM Scribe ASM Chaplain Aide ASM ASM ASM ASM ASM Historian PL PL PL PL ASM OA Rep ` APL APL APL APL ASM Den Chief Den Leader
Show Determine the Direction video Your job is to survive 6 months!
Building Patrol Spirit Patrol name Patrol flag Patrol yell Patrol activities The National Honor Patrol Award “A boy on joining wants to begin Scouting right away” Lord Baden Powell
The Patrol Leaders’ Council Semi-Annual Planning Conference Develop troop goals Schedule major events Schedule special activities Select program features Monthly PLC Huddle Agenda Start/Stop/Continue after every event
Show Better Luck video Don’t get run over by standing in one place!
Troop Meetings PLAN the meeting (use your resources!) Agenda – communicate your vision! Assignments – delegate & assign tasks Meeting – only 1 speaker on center stage MUST stay on time & snappy; Stay ahead of the game – keep PL’s focused Be involved with rank advancement Have fun!
Leading is about looking at the BIG PICTURE Show “Who is in charge” video Leading is about looking at the BIG PICTURE
Troop Formations “Horseshoe” ASM ASPL ASM ASM PL PL PL ASM ASM PL SPL ASPL ASPL SM - Used for troop presentations or announcements - Good way to motivate scouts and get them fired up SPL has access to ALL the troop scouts ASPL’s & ASMs provide “security” and can help “focus” scouts
Troop Formations “Patrol Lines” ASPL ASM PL ASM PL ASM PL ASM PL ASM PL APL APL APL APL APL ASPL ASPL SPL - Used for troop accountability SPL talks to Patrol Leaders; PL’s talk to their scouts Don’t stay in this formation long! Scouts in back can’t see what’s going on & they get bored! SM
Patrol Meetings Plan the meeting (use your resources!) Possess passion & vision! Communicate your vision – USE the phone! Set high standards Make tough decisions when necessary Be good at what you do – uniform wear, scout skills, etc Help your scouts with rank advancement Have fun. . .it’s contagious!
Being a Good Leader Basics of Leadership Have a great positive attitude! Determine the direction – have a vision! Set the Pace – be organized, look the part, set high standards and stay ahead Applaud the Spirit - act with maturity Make the tough decisions – duty rosters Praise in public; criticize in private! “Scouting is a game for the boys under the leadership of boys under the direction of a man.” Lord Baden Powell
Don’t be like this. . .LEARN from others by using Start/Stop/Continue! Show Self Smarted video Don’t be like this. . .LEARN from others by using Start/Stop/Continue!
Laws of Leadership Possess passion and vision Be good at what you do No one will have more passion than you Be good at what you do There is no substitute for competence Set high standards You set the bar! Make tough decisions This is why you get “the big bucks”! Compensate well Praise often & take care of your people
How to keep your best motivated See that your “inner circle” gets training Communicate expectations early Share the credit and rewards Cultivate a positive environment Don’t let your “winners” get stagnant Insist that all “carry their own weight” Encourage others to speak up & be heard! Empower & give others responsibility
Show a funny cat video Sometimes leading is like “herding cats”!
Being a Good Leader Key Leadership Skills Effective communication Effective listening Start, Stop, Continue EDGE (Explain, Demo, Guide, Enable) Match leadership styles to leadership needs Telling Coaching Supporting Delegating Willingness Ability T C D S
Being a Good Leader New Scout Telling Coaching Supporting Delegating Willingness Ability T C D S “The boy is not governed by DON’T, but is LED by DO.” Lord Baden Powell
Being a Good Leader 15 Year Old First Class Scout Telling Coaching Supporting Delegating Willingness Ability T C D S “A boy carries out suggestions more wholeheartedly when he understands their aim.” Lord Baden Powell
Being a Good Leader 16 Year Old Life Scout Telling Coaching Supporting Delegating Willingness Ability T C D S “There is no teaching to compare with example!” Lord Baden Powell
Show Stay Ahead video Always stay ahead of the scouts you are leading!
Being a Good Leader Help the Patrols Develop As Teams Encourage the PATROL METHOD! Support the patrols as the team develops Provide guidance to the patrols Help them overcome disappointments Celebrate the patrol & troop successes! “The patrol method is not ONE method in which Scouting can be carried on. . .it is the ONLY method!” Honourable Roland Phillips - 1916
Being a Good Leader Putting Out Fires Leadership problem-solving situations Is it a safety issue? Is it a youth protection issue? Is it a scout just being a pain? When in doubt, seek an older scout or an adult leader as the last resort! “The sport in Scouting is to find the good in every boy and develop it.” Lord Baden Powell
Know when to get help and when to use the 3 R’s! Show Cat for Adoption video Know when to get help and when to use the 3 R’s!
Being a Good Leader Conflict Resolution Avoiding Compromising Problem solving
Being a Good Leader Dealing with Inappropriate Behavior Guidelines for appropriate behavior: The Scout Oath The Scout Law Handling inappropriate behavior Discretion (discuss in private) Referral (to a JASM or ASM) “The Scout Oath and Law are our binding disciplinary force.” Lord Baden Powell
TLT Conclusion Determine YOUR vision of success! Use troop framework to achieve your goals! Understand what is expected of you! Use the tools that the troop provides you! Ask for feedback from your Advisor! Have FUN and MOTIVATE your scouts! What is expected of me? Lead the PLC and semi-annual planning conference Communicate Plan ahead Help patrols prepare Know abilities of your staff Encourage advancement Be a good example Devote time Live by the Oath and Law Involve others What tools do I have? This training Troop leadership tng Scouting literature Staff (ASPLs, PLs, Scribe, etc) Adult leaders Web site How will I know if I’m leading well? Are you doing your best? Activity debriefs Tips to get started Keep your word Be fair to all Be flexible Be organized Delegate Set the example Be consistent Give praise Ask for help Have fun “The most important object in Boy Scout training is to educate, not instruct.” Lord Baden Powell
Troop 200 Semi-annual Planning Conference for Apr 12 – Sep 12 24 September 2011
Semi-annual Planning Conference Twice a year Plan 6+ months of themes and activities E 2011 E 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 E 2012 E 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Goals Use BSA themes and decide the T200 specific monthly themes Choose campout locations Decide special event participation Use all of your resources!
Calendar Pass out or show Troop Calendar to discuss dates, themes, & locations!
Campsite Possibilities Hard copies of Campsite Ideas Resources include: Campout SM for each campout Outdoor Activities Coordinator Older scouts! Considerations Theme Distance Cost Local, state, national parks, private property
Conclusion Turn in Leadership Agreements! Sign for your Leader Handbooks! Always let the scouts under you know your vision and the plan! Have fun with your patrol and make T200 the BEST TROOP EVER!