Group Plan st Mosman 1908 Lower North Shore District: Sydney North Region New South Wales
Goal 1: Youth Development Targets 1.Provide a copy of the Term program before the beginning of each term to the Group Council and all current parents. 2.Increase the number of Leaders and regular support in both Cubs and Scouts. 3.Increase the number of members of both Cubs and Scouts. 4.Develop a three year program in Cubs and Scouts so that youth members can aim to achieve the highest award in the section as part of the normal Scouting activities 5.Increase the number of youth members earning specialist and proficiency badges in all sections. 6.Re-open the Joey Mob as soon as possible when we have sufficient Leaders in the Cub and Scout Sections. 7.Share expertise and resources through Seeonee, Mindari and Venturer Leader meetings to support youth members with specific interests Actions 2014 Group Council Develop achievable plans. Understand the key issues and work to resolving them together. Explore opportunities for continuous improvement. Group Committee Support the Leaders in ways which makes their task easier and/or more effective. And also with any ideas they may come across from other Groups. Give thought to a plan for promoting the Cub and Scouts groups and the recruitment of appropriate leaders to manage all groups. District or other party Provide a better website similar to other States for example South Australia, which helps support the leaders wishing to improve their programs. Measures of success 1.Term plans completed before the start of each Term. 2.Leadership plan in place before the end of January Increase of at least 5% by April Plan in place by end of January At least two new proficiency badges opportunities offered each Term. 6.Group to be represented at each Seeonee, Mindari and meeting of Venturer Leaders District/Region Leader
Goal 2: Adult Development Targets 1.Hold regular Group Council meetings, with the dates publicised to all Leaders in the Group and notes of the meeting circulated 2.Hold regular Group Committee meetings, with dates and venues publicised to all members of the Group well in advance and with a follow up of Minutes from the meeting circulated. 3.Develop and implement a strategy to recruit volunteers to undertake key roles in the Group. Including a Boating Committee, responsibility for website and a Group newsletter. Actions 2014 Group Council Work together as a team to implement our plans. This includes trying to offset the extra time Leaders need to complete training by running joint events or having a Scout leader attend a Cub meeting to not only introduce himself to the Cubs but also give a Cub Leader a break. This can work both ways. Group Committee Support the Scout and Cub Leaders as appropriate. District or other party Be more supportive of and more encouraging of our Group Council and our Leaders. Be less prescriptive with rules and regulations. Technical assistance with website development. Stronger promotion of Scouts and Cubs. Measures of success 1.Group Council meetings held and minuted as planned 2.Group Committee meetings held and minuted as planned 3.Recruitment plan carried out.
Goal 3: Promoting Values Targets 1.Promote the Scout Law at every possible opportunity ie 1.Trustworthiness 2.Loyalty 3.Helpfulness 4.Friendliness 5.Cheerfulness 6.Consideration of others 7.Thrift 8.Courage 9.Respect for others 10.Care of the environment Actions 2014 Group Council Demonstrate the Values to all members of the Scouting community. Ensure the Values are clearly understood by all Leaders, Cubs and Scouts Group Committee Demonstrate the Values to all members of the Scouting community. Support the Leaders implement the Scout Law Values as appropriate Nominate Leaders for Scouting awards for the work they do in running Cubs and Scouts. District or other party Demonstrate the Values to all members of the Scouting community. Measures of success 1.Build into each Term program the opportunity for the Cubs and Scouts to experience and learn about each of the above Laws. 2.Group Committee members to observe that the Laws are being demonstrated at Cub and Scout meetings.
Goal 4: Professional Training Targets 1.David Maccallum to undertake the Group Leader training program. 2.Bill Butler to undertake the Scout Leader training program 3.Commission expertise to assist/train with any technical issues as required. Actions 2014 Group Council Support the training of Leaders as appropriate. Group Committee Support the training of Leaders as appropriate Fund training as required. District or other party Support the training of Leaders as appropriate. Measures of success 1.Training of above personnel completed by the end of 2014.
Goal 5: Communications Targets 1.Ensure all new members are clear about Cub/Scout Values, Programs and expectations. 2.Include a Term program on the 1 st Mosman website before the beginning of each term. 3.Focus on effective website communication – both internally and externally. 4.Initiate a Term newsletter for the website 5.Ensure Scouting Values are visually displayed in all three venues. 6.Distribute the monthly newsletter to Seeonee and Mindari members Actions 2014 Group Council Nominate a Committee member/s to develop and implement the Communication Plan. Group Committee Continuously review and if necessary amend the Communication Plan and its implementation. District or other party It would be very helpful if there could be a District or Regional Newsletter summarising news, best practice, initiatives, joint programs, people et cetera of all Groups in the District. Measures of success 1.All new members are given a Welcome Pack containing appropriate material. 2.Term program distributed as planned. 3.Website plan agreed upon by end of April and implemented by the end of June. 4.Term newsletter distributed each Term 5.Scouting Values on display in each venue 6.Monthly newsletter to Seeonee and Mindari members distributed.
Goal 6: Assets and Resources Targets 1.Properly record all fixed and moveable assets in an Asset Register. 2.Observe all Council laws/regulations concerning the use of our Assets. 3.Ensure proper maintenance of appropriate assets. 4.Conduct an annual audit of assets. 5.Remove/write off assets that no longer add value to our programs. 6.Ensure there is a annual budget provision for the purchase of new assets and resourcing of agreed projects. 7.Ensure there is an approval process in place and observed concerning the purchase of new assets. 8.The Group Committee to review Actual performance against Budget at each meeting. a)If there is unfavourable position to budget a plan is developed and implemented to get back to Budget. Actions 2014 Group Council The Treasurer to submit an Annual Budget for approval. Budget to include a maintenance provision for the three sites. Ensure that the three properties are properly used and cared for by all parties using them. Observe any new notices by the Council Group Committee Regular review of the Budget and commitment to ensure its achievement unless the Group Council agree to any changes. Ensure that processes associated with the purchase and maintenance of Assets are observed. Ensure that projects are properly resourced and that basic OH&S standards are observed. District or other party Assist the Group if possible with any Technical support of Assets and Resources as requested. Measures of success 1.An Asset Register is in place and up-to-date 2.No non-compliance notices are received from Council. 3.Assets are properly maintained as reviewed by the Treasurer 4.An annual Audit of assets is undertaken by the Treasurer. 5.The Treasurer approves the removal/write off of all Assets 6.The Treasurer presents an Annual Budget to the Group Council, which is approved. 7.The Group Committee ensure that processes are observed concerning the purchase of new Assets. 8.The Treasurer presents to each Group Committee meeting an update of the financial position and any recommendations to ensure the Annual Budget is achieved.
Baseline measures – Have active and fun Cub and Scout programs in place each Term. 2.Have an effective Group Council and Committee supporting our Cub and Scout Leaders 3.Have a comprehensive Leader and support program for each Section. 4.Grown the number of participating Cubs and Scouts. 5.Have a better internal and external communication program. 6.Improved community awareness of the features and benefits of Scouting 7.Stronger links with other Groups in our Region. 8.Continue to be commercially viable.