The Olive Leaf Section 88. Common Reactions Well, actually, I’m Mormon!!


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Presentation transcript:

The Olive Leaf Section 88

Common Reactions Well, actually, I’m Mormon!!

We will now hear from our High Counsel Speaker

We’d Like to call you as Scoutmaster!!

Surprise! Your mom is the new seminary teacher!!!

Hey, did you hear that Justin Beiber is joining the church??

Sacrifice? D&C 88: 1,2

Ellen Neibaur

Key to Prayer D&C 88:62-64

Question: D&C 84:23 Now…Moses plainly taught…the children of Israel in the wilderness, and sought diligently to sanctify his people that they might behold the face of God… Why?

Imagine…  68 Therefore, sanctify yourselves that your minds become single to God, and the days will come that you shall see him; for he will unveil his face unto you, and it shall be in his own time, and in his own way, and according to his own will.  69 Remember the great and last promise which I have made unto you; cast away your idle thoughts and your excess of laughter far from you.  70 Tarry ye, tarry ye in this place, and call a solemn assembly,  70 Tarry ye, tarry ye in this place, and call a solemn assembly,

Joseph Smith "We must have all things prepared, and call our solemn assembly as the Lord has commanded us [in D&C 88:70], that we may be able to accomplish His great work, and it must be done in God's own way. The house of the Lord must be prepared, and the solemn assembly called and organized in it, according to the order of the house of God. The endowment you are so anxious about, you cannot comprehend now.... You need an endowment, brethren, in order that you may be prepared and able to overcome all things.... All who are prepared, and are sufficiently pure to abide the presence of the Savior will see him in the solemn assembly."

How do we do this? D&C 88:74

Teach! D&C 88:77:79

Salute D&C 88: 132,133