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People $100 Who was the President of the United States at the time the Civil War began?
People $100 Abraham Lincoln
People $200 What man, considered a military genius, became the leader of Confederate forces when Virginia seceded?
People $200 Robert E. Lee
People $300 What woman was a Union nurse during the war and eventually founded the Red Cross?
People $300 Clara Barton
People $400 What Union general was the leader of the western army, most notably at Shiloh?
People $400 Ulysses S. Grant
People $500 What group of Northern Democrats wanted peace with the South and were seen as traitors by Northern Republicans?
People $500 Copperheads
More People $100 What southern general was Lee’s most trusted subordinate?
More People $100 Stonewall Jackson
More People $200 What Union general was known for being cautious, and was eventually fired for being too cautious?
More People $200 George McClellan
More People $300 Who was the President of the Confederate States of America?
More People $300 Jefferson Davis
More People $400 What southern officer led the attack at Fort Pillow founded the Ku Klux Klan after the war?
More People $400 Nathan Bedford Forrest
More People $500 What Union admiral led a fleet of 40 ships to capture the lower Mississippi River?
More People $500 David Farragut
Battles $100 Where were the first shots of the war fired?
Battles $100 Fort Sumter
Battles $200 Where did the first major bloodshed of the war take place?
Battles $200 Bull Run
Battles $300 What fort was attacked by Southern troops and saw the massacre of 200 black Union troops?
Battles $300 Fort Pillow
Battles $400 What was the capital the Confederacy?
Battles $400 Richmond
Battles $500 What two ships fought the first battle between two ironclads, signaling the end of wooden warships?
More Battles $500 Merrimack and Monitor
More Battles $100 What Civil War battle was the bloodiest day in American history?
More Battles $100 Antietam
More Battles $200 What Union victory along the Mississippi showed that their plan to divide the Confederacy may work?
More Battles $200 Shiloh
More Battles $300 What series of skirmishes was caused McClellan to retreat from his plan to capture the Confederate capital?
More Battles $300 Seven Days’ Battles
More Battles $400 What is the most notorious southern prison camp, at which between 1/3 and 1/2 of the prisoners died within a year?
More Battles $400 Andersonville
More Battles $500 What city on the lower Mississippi was captured by the Union fleet in April of 1862?
More Battles $500 New Orleans
Random Civil War Stuff $100 What was suspended by Lincoln to deal with dissenters?
Random Civil War Stuff $100 Habeas Corpus
Random Civil War Stuff $200 What is another term for the draft?
Random Civil War Stuff $200 Conscription
Random Civil War Stuff $300 What document freed the slaves in states in rebellion, but allowed other states to keep their slaves?
Random Civil War Stuff $300 Emancipation Proclamation
Random Civil War Stuff $400 What was the term for the Union strategy of surrounding the south and “strangling” them by cutting off trade?
Random Civil War Stuff $400 Anaconda Plan
Random Civil War Stuff $500 What was the name of the ship from which two Confederate officials were taken, almost leading to war with Britain?
Random Civil War Stuff $500 The Trent