Utrecht Jacomine Nortier
We work together: Municipality & University
Initiatives: 10 advantages of multilingualism (future) Inventarisation of what (and how) languages can be learned in Utrecht (done)
Advantages of multilingualism Present a list in the form of, e.g., a poster, in an attractive & original way: tv, radio, internet, market, etc. Distribute and discuss for a broad audience How to reach Henk & Ingrid? (ie Dutch people who are not pro-multilingualism)
Examples of the (10?) advantages of multilingualism on that list (or poster etc.) When you are bi/multilingual, you: Are able to make abstractions at a younger age than monolinguals Can easier relativise and take distance from your own reality Get Alzheimer 4 years later than monolinguals Part of more than one linguistic community Multilingualism in companies increases their profits …
Challenge: Convince Henk & Ingrid that not only English is useful. That language has more than economic value.
Findings from study by the municipality Utrecht: multilingual Hotspot (beside Luxemburg and Malta): 2006: 77% of population speak 3 or more Ls (12%: 5 or more Ls). 2009: 85% are trilingual. Reasons:relatively young population; many universities, colleges, high schools; large groups of (former) migrant(s) (workers) & families Having foreign friends and a higher income are related to multilingualism. But what causes what?? European Cultural Capital in 2018??
What languages can be learned in Utrecht? Hans Sakkers asked me to tell you: 29 languages can be learned (university not included). (Impressed??? Im not, to be honest - JN) Recently an inventarisation has been made. Now there is a complete list with all institutions, companies etc where Ls can be learned, incl telephone, , other details.
Sorry I couldnt come….
Have a nice workshop!! Next time well be here in person!!