Beyond Gazing, Pointing, and Reaching A Survey of Developmental Robotics Authors: Max Lungarella, Giorgio Metta
Overview Introduction Research areas Existing theories Observations and future directions
Introduction What is developmental robotics? Use robots to test models from developmental psychology and neuroscience Applies insights from ontogenetic development Why combine robotics with psychology? Novel methodologies New research tools Aim of the article? Present state of developmental robotics Motivate use of robots as research tool
Research areas Criteria Situatedness Addressing hypotheses raised by either developmental psychology or neuroscience Order of identified research articles Social Interaction Sensorimotor control Categorization Value systems Developmental plasticity Motor skill acquisition and morphological changes
Research area: social interaction What kind of social interaction? Joint attention Scassellati (1998, 2001) Nagai (2002) Low-level imitation Demiris (1999) Development of language Varshavskaya (2002) Social regulation Dautenhahn and Billard (1999)
Research area: sensorimotor control Crucial to interact with world Examples Control of reaching Marjanovic (1996) Metta (1999) Control of grasp Coehlo (2001) Interaction with objects Metta and Fitzpatrick (2003) Interaction with environment Berthouze (1996)
Research area: categorisation Categorisation in developmental robotics How categories are formed By interaction with environment, searching for correlations between sensors Categorisation of objects Scheuer and Lambrinos (1996) Sensorimotor related categorisation Berthouze and Kuniyoshi (1998)
Research area: value system Value systems in robotics Internal mediator of environmental stimuli/events Used to guide exploration process Value dependant learning Learning technique where value system alters the learning by: Specifying mechanisms by which stimuli can modulate learning Providing system with input that essentially is signal filtered by agent’s value system Almassy (1998) – simulated neural model, value system altered strength of connection from neurons of visual area to ones of motor area Lungarella and Berthouze (2002) – value system used to explore parameter space
Research area: developmental plasticity Brain inspired developing a brain is plastic (flexible) and the plasticity is experience dependent Almassy (1998) Self generated movements crucial for emergence and development of visual responses Foveal preference
Research area: morphological changes and motor skill acquisition Morphological changes For example: body growth One of the most explicit characteristics of ongoing developmental processes Articles: Lungarella and Berthouze (2002) How morphological changes influence acquisition of motor skills? Does inherent adaptivity of motor development lead to behaviours not obtainable by simple value based regulation of neural parameters? Comparative analysis between simultaneous and progressive use of available DOFs. Simultaneous use of available DOFs reduces probability of physical entrainment.
Exisiting theories Developmental engineering: Brooks and Stein (1991): development as way to construct intelligent robotic systems Aim: “to show that adoption of framework of biological development is suitable for construction of artificial systems”. Recognising long sequences of cause-effect relationships characterises learning in real context Features of human-like intelligent systems (Brooks, 1998): Development Embodiment Social interaction Multisensory integrations Key assumptions: Human intelligence not as general purpose as thought Intelligence does not require monolithic control system Intelligent agent does not require centrally stored model of real world
Existing theories cont. Cognitive Developmental Robotics: Asada (2001) Aim: “to avoid implementing robot’s control structure according to designer’s understanding of robot’s physics, but to allow robot develop its own understanding”. Robot no longer given externally designed structure Autonomous Mental Development: Weng (2001) States that for robot to be truly mental developed means to be non-task specific Aim: to develop robots that are non-task specific and able to develop own task representation that could not be possibly embedded a priori by designer
Observations and future directions Majority of studies reviewed in paper belong to either social interaction or sensorimotor control. Researchers underline importance of developing robots with social and early motor competencies – very few try to achieve it. Future direction: going beyond “gazing, pointing and reaching”