7/29 warm-up All warm-ups for the week should be completed on ONE sheet of paper, dated each day, and turned in at the end of the week. It was a Monday morning, and I am Kyle Tucker the politician and intellectual, the defiant liberal embarking on his first day of what would be an illustrious political career. 1.a. no change b. was c. were d. have been 2.Rewrite the sentence to remove the RIP word.
Today’s activities Many lists, many words- all to help you throughout the year! Create writing folders Review and reflection on pre-assessments 3 rd period: hand in all those forms Homework: summer reading project due next Monday, Aug. 5th
Lists- keep them all year RIP Word: Words you should avoid, as they are common and provide no depth or meaning to your work. These words are not wrong, just weak. Sometimes the words cannot be avoided and can be used effectively, but first we must try to wean ourselves offthe use of them. Affixes: Twelve lists of affixes that will help you improve your vocabulary. Some are very familiar and simple, others, you may not know the real meaning behind them. Studyand learn them. We MAY have "pop" quizzes on these periodically throughout the semester. Analysis words: These words improve your vocabulary and can be applied in your analysis essays. Rhetorical terms: This list is a list of rhetorical device terms that you will provide definitions for throughout the semester. You will have quarter final quizzes on these terms.
The prompt The passage below is an excerpt from Jennifer Price's recent essay "The Plastic Pink Flamingo: A Natural History." The essay examines the popularity of the plastic pink flamingo in the 1950s. Read the passage carefully. Then write an essay in which you analyze how Price crafts the text to reveal her view of United States Culture.
Common mistakes in the essay 1. Misreading the prompt and analyzing WHAT Price says about pink flamingos, not HOW and why she reveals her view of American culture. (mostly summary or paraphrase) 2. Misreading her view of American culture as bold, exciting, and positive. She really is being sarcastic, and is actually pointing out the flaws in American culture using the pink flamingo examples to support her unstated, implied claim. 3. Reading prompt and essay correctly but not developing and supporting enough, or not presenting thoughts in organized manner. 4. Focusing too much on pink flamingo without making clear connection to how it reveals her views. 5. Discussing the reader or the effect on the reader: Note: the essay prompt does not mention the reader or audience. 6. Analyzing Price’s view of American culture, rather than HOW she crafts the text to reveal this view.
Multiple choice pre-assessment Make a T chart or Venn diagram and compare the similarities and differences between the two types of exam questions. ACT: language/readingAP:tone, purpose, rhetoric