Introduction to computing and the Internet Part-B
Learning Outcome (Theory) How the Internet works You should gain a high understanding of protocols that specify: How computers can connect to the Internet and send messages How data is transmitted and received without loss or corruption How particular applications such as clients and web browsers use these protocols
Learning outcomes (practice) Learn how to code a web page using up to date technologies Ensure how a web page will be compatible with future generations of browsers Learn about dynamic web pages Which can be modified as a result of user actions
Contexts Aspects of networked computing Data-protection act Computer misuse act Anti hacking laws Defamation Threats to the security and integrity of networked computers virus
How to use the subject guide The subject guide give you a good idea of the examinable content of the course And provide the basis of more in-depth study Provide exercise and activities which will help you to deepen and test your understanding Identify additional resources Text books, Articles and Websites
Reading Basic introduction to the Internet and World Wide Web Jason Whitaker, the Internet: The basics (Routledge, 2002) This recommended for students who have a little knowledge And are looking for a gentle way in.
Essential reading The following book covers most of the subject matter of this course. It is not difficult to read Joe Casad, Teach yourself TCP/IP, 3 rd edition (Indianapolis: SAMS Publishing, 2004) If you plan to buy one book for this course, then This one would be a good choice.
Reading (Cont) This book describes the communication protocols used by the Internet It does also covers the basics of Java programming and JavaScript William Buchanan, Mastering the Internet (Macmillan, Sept, 1997)
Reading (Cont) This book covers the legal and professional issues in Computing Robert Ayres, The Essence of Professional Issues in Computing, (Prentice Hall Europe, 1999)
Reading (Cont) There are vast numbers of books available on web page coding (HTML, XHTML, CSS, JAVASCRIPT,..) If you decide to purchase a book make sure it covers XHTML and CSS. i.e John Shelly, XHTML AND CSS explained (London, Babani Books 2001) And John Shelly, Fun Web Pages with Javascript (London, Babani Books, 2 nd edition 2002)
Additional Reading The text is considerably more advanced than you will need for this course. Andrew Tanenbaum, Computer Networks, 4 th edition (Pearson Education, 2003)
This book goes into more details than you will need. But it appeals to students who enthusiastic about computer networks Douglas E. Comer, Computer Networks and Internets with Internet Application, 3 rd edition (Prentice Hall, 2001) Additional reading (Cont)
Chuck Musicano and Bill Kennedy, HTML & XHTML, The Definitive guide, (OReilly & Associate, 5th ed. 2002) Additional reading (Cont) Roger A. Crimes, Malicious Mobile Code: Virus Protection for Windows (OReilly, 2001)
Web Resources Free tutorials on networking topics Tutorials on web authoring, protocols and standards Uk Information commisioner & British Computer society Cert Center at Carnegie-Mellon University (highly informative on network security)
Preparing for the exam Understanding the networking Concepts Ability to apply web authoring Awareness of social and legal issues Ability to construct a reasoned argument taking into account different point of view and reaching a conclusion