Michigan’s population: 9,883,640
Personal History/ Early Life When? Where? College Degrees
Political Life No political jobs before governor
Contribution to American Way of Life (1) How?
Contribution to American Way of Life (2) What is it?
Lasting Importance (to me) Even with the odds against him, Governor Rick Snyder continued to try and persevere, which is a trait that makes him such a memorable and great governor.Rick Snyder
Bibliography Janssen, Ed Sarah. The World Almanac. New York: Infobase Learning, Print. Lane, Amy. "Snyder, Execs Launch Buy-Michigan Initiative." Ebscohost.com. Web. 4 Apr "Michigan Governor Rick Snyder." Nga.org. 29 Mar Web. Pritchard, Joshua. "Rick Snyder." Ebscohost.com. Web. 3 Apr "Sue Snyder (Michigan)." Nga.org. Web. 29 Mar