IAAMA Manufacturing Technology & Transfer IAAMA Meeting Rolls-Royce Training Center
IAAMA Meeting, Rolls-Royce Technology Road Mapping Tom Dehorn & Parker Sykes 2. IAAMA Member Relationship Development Ted Fiock 3. Quality And Qualification Process ADIL ASHARY 4. Alignment of Goals Within The Industry, University, & Government Dr. John Custer
IAAMA Meeting, Rolls-Royce Leadership Chair: Dr. John Custer Co Chair: Facilitator: Mr. Richard Couch
Notes from Sessions 1.Create a list of MFG Capabilities by company that are available within the state. 2.Technology Transfer from Universities is greatly impeded by profitability concerning of universities. 3.No Map Of Where To Go! 4.What Issues/Problems would the large IAAMA members want with from the other IAAMA members? 5.Companies are required to filter all questions & Issues through a purchasing group. Engineers need to speak with engineers. 6.University Time Scale & Industry Time Scale 7.Promoting the value of Advanced Technology.(Note – It may be underestimated) 8.Quality Control for small companies. 9.Communication of Commonalities within the aerospace Industry. 10.Develop MOA/MOVs between Indiana Companies that would allow exchange of technologies/information technology without using same to steal customers. 11.Long qualification of new material and processing of Aerospace. 12.Universities don’t work in real world! 13.What is needed to Bring “Capable” Companies to the supplying Knowledge Level? 14.Manufacturing business will find it hard to allocate resources to more “Theoretical” University approaches. 15.Limited Technical WorkForce and Qualified WorkForce! 16.Need a way to Project/Forecast Technology trends -Indiana/Outside Indiana
Notes from Sessions (continued) 17.What Advancements in Technology are available? 18.Securing venture capital in an Industry with a Bad MEDIA REPUTATION!!! 19. No Incentive to Start! 20. What should be done to introduce small IAAMA to Large IAAMA buyers? 21. What are manufacturers Biggest Technical issues & how can university address this? 22.Issue- Lack of Leadership Development! 23.Issue- Lake of Creativity in Technology. 24.Use Collaboration to reduce MFG cost. 25.Supply Chain Issues 26.Break down the Adversarial relationship between OEM’S & Supplies around systematic core technology maturity issues. 27.Accept 1 st the need for technologies to progress through a level of development. 28.Need better trained technical staff. 29.Need Agreed rules for Collaboration and working together. 30.The Aerospace Quality Mgt systems are not “Modern” 31.Need some examples of successful partnerships between University & Industry. 32.Support for specialized advanced technology- Limited Staff 33.Educate others that MFG jobs follows R&D. (Getting jobs to Indiana) 34.Get State to Create new TAX BREAKS for companies that do Aerospace work in Indiana. 35.Reconcile lean Six Sigma, Business Process improvement themes as related to Advanced MFG. 36.MFG Technology Must not be viewed in a vacuum- how to place it firmly across life cycle.
Notes from Sessions (continued) 37.Develop a leadership council within IAAMA to provide linkage to companies 38.Need lower cost of Institutional R&D 39.Comp issues will complicate/prevent peer to peer transfer as well as suppliers- OEM 40.Validation & Certification of Advanced Technologies important to implementation by manufacturers. 41.Get beyond the need to protect traditional MFG Jobs( What characterizes the needs of the future) 42.We need to include more than Metal Working 43.Where are manufacturer’s competitive issues? Shop Floor Processes? Design? ( Align with University) 44.Educate IEDC that agitating the OEM’s isn’t necessary 45.IAAMA to provide specific Info on sources of funding. 46.Enlighten Business Leaders & others of the need to innovate and lead in processes. 47.Computing Power required may tax capabilities of small suppliers- address 48.PLM Software Differences 49.Demonstrate Benefits Beyond Creating Jobs (Like social Environmental, Security, ie benefit) 50.Define manufacturing Tech, Tech Transfer, Adv MFG so each one can see how they fit in. 51.Determine how to gain support and headroom from Finance/ Business Case/Bottom Line Oriented Parts of out Business. 52.Should Share other common collaboration avenues if they exist to synergize & prevent overlap.
Notes from Sessions (continued) 53.Need to realize which issues are common to other industries and reach out to achieve critical mass and economies of scale. 54.Facilitate & Promote Tiering & Subtiering to gain synergize/economies of scales to satisfy OEM Requirements. 55.State needs SEBIR type Facilitation /help for small companies. 56.Use each other to maximize access knowledge relative to common themes 57.SBIR’s are for > 500 of OEM’s, not just small business. (Realize OEM’s, don’t want to be totally vertically Integrated. 58.Firm up specific “Dual uge” work for members. Indiana manufactures other than Aerospace. 59.Need to identify Companies & Detail Core Competencies. 60.Create Pare to of needed Technologies of Indiana Companies in IAAMA. 61.Need active contact list on website for all IAAMA Participants. 62.Provide ongoing forum for Discussions Interchange of Industry Data 63.Need better Trained/Experienced Machine Operators. 64.Working High School System in support of Industry. 65.Define how Universities can really work with industries.