Connecting lives around the world
With our help, SCIAF works in 16 countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America, including Burundi, India and Nicaragua. W o u l d y o u l i k e t o l e a r n m o r e a b o u t o n e o f t h e s e c o u n t r i e s ?
Nicaragua, known as the ‘land of lakes and volcanoes’, is one of the poorest countries in Latin America. In Nicaragua SCIAF is helping people like Jairo (pictured) deal with big issues like climate change. SCIAF’s work also includes a project called Special Families which gives practical help to people in Nicaragua living with disabilities.
Burundi is a small country right in the heart of Africa which has been largely forgotten about by the rest of the world. Burundi has been affected by years of conflict and war. But, SCIAF is helping to build a more peaceful future for people in Burundi. SCIAF’s work in Burundi includes a project called Agakura which teaches young people, like Speciose (pictured), new farming skills so they can grow more on their land.
India is a huge country with more than a billion people, India is home to a variety of cultures, languages, and religions. However, India is also home to 1/3 of all the world’s poorest people. SCIAF is helping people like Farheena (pictured) fight for their human rights, like the right to education. SCIAF’s work in India includes supporting a project called APD which gives skills, care and practical help to people living with disabilities.
Nicaragua Learn about: climate change Focus project: ‘Special Families’ Burundi Learn about: conflict and peacebuilding Focus project: ‘Agakura’ India Learn about: human rights Focus project: ‘Association of people with Disabilities’
Connecting lives around the world W h i c h c o u n t r y s h o u l d o u r s c h o o l c o n n e c t w i t h ?
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SCIAF 19 Park Circus, Glasgow G3 6BE Tel: Web: SCIAF is the official international aid agency of the Catholic Church in Scotland. It is also Scotland’s leading aid agency. SCIAF responds to emergencies around the world and supports partners in 16 countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America. SCIAF also campaigns for a more just world. SCIAF (Scottish Catholic International Aid Fund) is a company limited by guarantee. Company No Recognised by the Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator and by the Inland Revenue as a charity. Charity No. SCO12302 Photo credits: Sean Sprague, Gonzalo Bell, Sephi Bergerson