David Livingstone Roshchina Ellina Form 9B
Biography Livingston David Livingstone was born to a street vendor tea March 19, In the 10 years he worked for 12 hours at a textile factory. After time to work while studying at night school, he studied Latin. In the 16 free to read the poetry of Horace and Virgil. At the same time became interested in descriptions of various trips. In 20 years of psychic life Livingstone has changed dramatically. He decided to become a missionary, devoting his life to the service of God. At first, he attended lectures on theology, medicine, ancient languages in Glasgow. Then, thanks to a scholarship of the London Missionary Society continued his education.
For seven years he lived in the country Bechuanas Livingston, done during this time several trips, which led him to a number of geographical discoveries. A succession of difficult and dangerous journeys can be called a biography of David Livingstone. Passion for knowledge of the unknown drew him to the new journey that he undertook in the years on the Zambezi River. At home in gg He has prepared and published a book entitled "Travels and Researches in South Africa, a missionary." For outstanding achievements he was awarded the Medal of the Royal Geographical Society, and in 1858 was appointed consul in Quelimane. Livingston travel
The first geographical discovery of David Livingstone became Lake Ngami. It happened on August 1, Later, he finds other African lakes Nyasa, Chilwa, Bangvelu, Mweru, Dilolo. The greatest discovery of David Livingstone was the discovery in 1855, a huge waterfall on the Zambezi River, which is named in honor of the traveler of Queen Victoria. That he is a theory about the amazing relief in Africa, similar to the saucer, the edges of which are raised to the ocean beaches. Achievements explorer David Livingstone became truly great heritage of all mankind.