Harold Edward Holt A Biography by Brooke Topschij
Timeline of Harold Holt Harold was born He graduated from College as a lawyer He was voted into Federal Parliament Harold joined the Army Married Zara Fell Elected as Prime Minister Drowned at Cheviot Beach
Harold Edward Holt Harold Edward Holt was born in Sydney on the 5 th of August He attended Wesley College in Melbourne where he lived. He also lived in Sydney and Adelaide. Harold graduated from The University of Melbourne as a lawyer, and then he worked as a Solicitor.
Political Party he represented Harold was the deputy leader of the Liberal Party under Menzies. Harold joined Federal Parliament in 1935 before he became Prime Minister. Holt became Prime Minister in 1966 until December 1967.
Political Achievements Holt introduced the decimal currency- dollars and cents in In 1967, Holt held a referendum to change the Commonwealth constitution. ‘Full blood’ Aboriginals could now be counted in the National Census.
Interesting Facts Unfortunately, Holt could no longer experience being Prime Minister. On the 17 th December 1967, Holt went swimming near Portsea, Victoria, and never came back. His body was never recovered as no one has found it even today. He was pronounced dead on the 19 th. Some people believed that he was abducted by a Chinese Submarine, or even a UFO.
Thankyou for watching my Biography of Harold Edward Holt. By Brooke Topschij, 5H