Mid Day Meal Scheme MDM-PAB Meeting-Assam 7 th March, 2014 Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India
REVIEW OF IMPLEMENTATION OF MDMS in ASSAM (Primary + Upper Primary) ( to ) 2 Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India
ISSUES 1.Delay in fund flow from State to block/school level (7-8 months). 2.Less coverage of working days (89%). 3.Non release of minimum mandatory State share for cooking cost and honorarium for Cook-cum-helpers. 4.Delay in payment of honorarium (till June, 2013) to cook-cum-helpers (substantiated by JRM also). 5.Less availability of foodgrains at the end of 3rd quarter. 6.Only 20% payment of bills to FCI. 7.Slow progress in procurement of kitchen devices (28%). 8.Slow pace construction of kitchen-cum-stores (68% completed). 9.Poor Coverage under School Health Programme (only 24% children screened) 3 Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India
Pending Matters Pending release of funds for replacement of kitchen devices sanctioned in and State Government has not furnished the latest physical and financial progress report in respect of procurement of Kitchen Devices sanctioned during to Pending reimbursement of Transportation Assistance for the year for want of C&AG certificate from the State Government. 4 Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India
Issues Identified by 5 th JRM (11th – 19th November 2013) Non-appointment of cook-cum-helpers as per the norms in 29% of schools and delay in payment of honorarium. Disruption in serving of meals due to mismatch in release of food grains and cooking cost to the schools till second quarter of in Nagaon. Unhygienic kitchens. No awareness about tasting of meals and maintenance of record for the same. Lack of nutritionally balanced meals in terms of micro-nutrients Non delivery of food grains to the school doorstep. Non display of MDM logo and entitlement of children Use of firewood as a mode of cooking. Poor convergence with school health programme. Provision of cooking cost as per the Primary norms to NCLP schools. 5 Districts covered: Nagaon, Kamrup Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India
Best Practices Practice of hand washing before and after taking meals. Inspection of finger nails at regular intervals for better hygiene. Inspection of wastage / spillage / spoilage by SMCs. Teaching nutritional aspects of meals to children. Development of Kitchen garden in the schools. Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India
C OVERAGE OF C HILDREN ( P RIMARY ) No. of Children (in Lakhs) 89% Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India 91% 92% As per ASER % of the enrolled children were present on the day of visit and MDM was served in 68% schools on the day of visit
COVERAGE OF CHILDREN ( UPPER PRIMARY ) No. of Children (in Lakhs) 91% 96% 92% As per ASER % of the enrolled children were present on the day of visit and MDM was served in 68% schools on the day of visit Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India
Comparison of data: MIS vs AWP&B Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India
Analysis of State’s Proposal for Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India
Proposals and Recommendations 12 S. NoComponentPAB Approval Proposal for Recommendati on 1Children (Pry) Children (U Pry) NCLP Working Day (Pry and U. Pry) & NCLP 210-Pry 220-Upr Pry NCLP – Pry 220 – U Pry NCLP – Pry 220 – U Pry NCLP-312 4Kitchen cum Store00-- 5Cook cum Helper Adnl. cooks 7195 (total ) 6 Kitchen Devices New000 Replacement30943 ( ) MME Plan Rs lakh Rs lakh 8 Requirement of Central Assistance Rs lakhs Rs lakhs Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India
No. of children (in lakhs) Proposal for Availed MDM in Q-3 Availed MDM in Q-2 13 Availed MDM in Q-1 Enrolment Availed MDM (9 months) PAB Approval PROPOSAL FOR : CHILDREN (PRIMARY) Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India
No. of children (in Lakhs) Proposal for Availed MDM in Q-3 Availed MDM in Q-2 14 Availed MDM in Q-1 Enrolment Availed MDM (9 months) PAB Approval for PROPOSAL FOR : CHILDREN (UPPER PRIMARY) Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India
PROPOSAL FOR COOK-CUM-HELPERS 15 PAB Approval For Engaged during Cooks to be engaged ( ) (7195 addl.) Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India
16 Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India
Nutritional Aspects: 5th Joint Review Mission N= Boys Girls Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India
Coverage of Children: Comparative Analysis Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India
Summary of performance - Physical Percentage Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India
Summary of performance – Financial Percentage Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India
Progress 21 Total Units sanctioned : KS 8811 KS 9273 KS CONSTRUCTION OF KITCHEN CUM STORES Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India
ENGAGEMENT OF COOKS-CUM-HELPERS 23 No. of CCH Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India
Availability of Infrastructure ASER data 2013: Usable toilets for girls 43% Availability in % schools Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India
25 Capacity Building 3 day orientation programme by NUEPA on best practices in implementation of Mid Day Meal at Shillong for the Officials of North Eastern States. SSA, Assam & DIETs conducted training programmes for teachers on best practices to be adopted for smooth implementation of MDMS in schools. Training programme by Akshaya Patra Foundation for 120 cook-cum-helpers. 10 days training programme for 30 cook-cum-helpers by IHM, Guwahati. Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India
26 Monitoring and Evaluation Only 1 SSMC meetings held during the FY District Level Vigilance & Monitoring Committee constituted and 1 round of meeting held. 70% schools inspected, however MME utilization is 21%. Annual data entry completed for 99% schools and monthly data entry completed for 96% the schools for December, Detailed emergency medical plan provided in the plan. Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India
School Health Programme children have been distributed spectacles Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India
Status on Pre-requisite steps for AWP&B Pre-requisite stepStatus Plan should be approved by SSMC Meeting Yes 100% payment of honorarium shall be made to cook cum helpers up to December 2013 Payment made till June 100% payment of cost of foodgrains shall be made to FCI upto 31st December % Separate and detailed MME plan. Yes Bank account should be opened for cook cum helpers No Plan should also be submitted through MDM-MIS No Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India
Contd.. Pre-requisite stepStatus Annual and Monthly data entry for the FY should be completed up to December Annual: 99% Monthly: 96% ATN on commitments given by the State Govt. during PAB Meeting of Yes ATN on findings of reports of MI and recommendations of JRM reports Yes Plan should be submitted within the scheduled date in hard and soft copies both. Yes Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India