Literacy: This term we will continue to develop our literacy skills through a range of genres including: Free verse poetry which will give us the opportunity to select, prepare, read aloud and recite poetry off by heart. Persuasive writing linked to ‘Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.’ Play scripts and drama focusing on ‘Little Red Riding Hood’. Explanation texts linked to our topic, that is based on plants and our local area. RE: We will be studying Christianity in the first half of the term, and Buddhism for the second half. PE and Swimming: We will be focusing on dance, considering improvisation and fluency of movement in preparation for the dance festival. We will be developing a range of strokes in swimming. Spanish: We will be learning a new range of Spanish vocabulary, including colours and classroom objects. We will also spend some time looking at Spanish festivals. PSHE: We will be focusing on relationships and changes; focusing on making responsible choices. ICT: For ICT we will be exploring using different data bases that will involve using Microsoft Excel to create and analyse various graphs. Numeracy: We will be developing our number work and calculation skills, applying them to problem solving using a variety of methods. Units include: Multiplication and division problems. Addition and subtraction of three-digit numbers using mental methods. Addition and subtraction of two and three digit numbers using columns. Shape. Measures (time and capacity.) Fractions. Construct and interpret bar charts. Science: We will be learning about the life cycle of plants, exploring the conditions plants need in order to thrive and identifying the features of plants. Further to this, we will be conducting experiments linked to plants and recording our results using scientific vocabulary. Finally, we will complete a unit of work focused on light and shadows. Our Science topics will also be linked to our outdoor education sessions with Mr. Howard.
Foundation subjects: As Geographers we will be exploring the local area during outdoor education; identifying a variety of plants, and discussing how differing environments can effect their growth. We will also be developing our map skills by locating various places on a map of the UK, followed by locating different countries on a world map and identifying the different continents. As Historians we will be focusing on the history behind the flags of the different countries that make up the United Kingdom. As Artists we will be creating detailed diagrams linked to our topic. Further to this, Art will be linked to literacy’s screen-to-page theme, and we will be creating some pictures based on a theme of Madagascar. As Designers we will be planning, constructing and evaluating an ‘indoor garden’ using a variety of recycled products. As Musicians we will be looking at composition and musical structure by exploring sounds in our environment. We will also be learning about the pitch, structure and performance. Finally, we will be learning various singing games exploring rhythm and beat. We will use and apply skills learnt in Literacy, Numeracy and ICT throughout the topic. 3G Class assembly: Thursday 21 st May TG Class assembly: Thursday 4 th June Exit point: To make and design an ‘indoor garden’ using various recycled materials.