+ LTG Lesson Ms. J. Callaghan/ Mrs. M. Megaris, Co-Teachers ELA/ESL IS126Q SWBAT: Identify and define a conflict (problem) Make a text to world connection based on a non-fictional reading selection Gather evidence to support their claim about a specific problem Do Now: Turn and talk: What are different types of conflicts that our society faces, today? List them in your SOURCEBOOK! Make a TEXT TO WORLD connection using evidence from a story we have read.
+ Step 1: Define the Problem Mini Lesson: Explore: How do children in countries that are at war cope with their new life styles and living conditions? Turn and talk with your group! List 2 ways kids deal with or help with these issues! HINT!
+ Make a text to world connection using this research article: An Uprising in Egypt Tension builds as the Middle Eastern country moves toward a new constitution December 05, 2012 By Stephanie Kraus Step 2: Gather the Evidence:
+ Step 3: Identify the causes Using the article, answer the following questions about the article with your group: What was the cause for people protesting in Egypt? Was the cause for the protesting resolved? If so, how? Explain. Do you think this issue could have been resolved in a better way? How would you resolve it?
+ Step 4: Evaluate an Existing Policy The U.S. Constitution, The 15 th Amendment: The Right To Vote! What is the significance of this amendment to you? 2. According to the article we read, how are the actions of the president of Egypt violating the United States Constitution? 3. If Egypt adapted the United States Constitution, how would it help the people resolve this conflict (problem)?
+ Step 5: Develop A Solution Turn and Talk: Brainstorm possible solutions on how children in Egypt could encourage their president to “respect the rights of all citizens”. Organize your list in order of most feasibility and effectiveness! 1. 2.
+ Step 6: Select the Best Solution! Class Debate! Discuss which solution would make the most difference and be the most effective in our lives? Which solution would be the most feasible? Evaluate if this solution is both effective AND feasible? Based on your discussions, which is the BEST solution, overall? Explain why!
+ Further Research… What types of organizations are available in our own community to support immigrant families coming from a country in turmoil? What services can they provide for these families? For example: The Ciana Center for the Integration and Advancement of New Americans,