Mental Disorders Ms. Krouse May 13-14, 2013
mental health Choice of 5 topics
Brief Description So what’s the name of your mental health condition, and what does it do to you? Thanks for asking. This disorder…
Symptoms So what made you think something was wrong? I noticed that…
Tests and Diagnostics When you went to the doctor, what questions or tests did he use to figure out your disorder? The doctor…
Treatment and Care What medicines did the doctor give you? What other treatments did you get? The doctor…
Living and Coping Now that you are getting better, how do you adjust your life so that you feel good and perform well. I…
The Perceptions of Others What do other people say and do when they find out your problem? What do you say back to them? My friends…
Other Comments So if you could only say one thing to people who want to know about this disorder, what would you tell them? I would tell them…
"Mental Health Disorders Center: Types, Symptoms, Treatments, Tests, and Causes." WebMD. WebMD, n.d. Web. 29 Apr health/default.htm Author’s last name, Author’s first name. “Title of Article.’ The World Book Encyclopedia. Chicago, IL: World Book, Print.