Finding Databases This slideshow will demonstrate how to find subject-oriented databases through the Julius Online Catalog.
Click on Go to “Find Databases” You can search for databases by the name of a database, if known, or by the database subject, country/region, or the resource type. Database Research: Getting Started This page should be the starting point for all your research needs.
Does the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) protect employees who are substance abusers? Sample Research Question
Begin by going to the Subject drop-down menu in the” Find Databases” section of Julius, and choose a subject to search: For our question, “ Labor & Employment” is an appropriate choice. Finding A Database by Subject
Scan through the descriptions in the resulting list of online databases (aka “resources”) for one that looks promising. If you need help deciding which one to start with, ask a Reference Librarian for help. Selecting A Database
Let’s use BNA’s Labor and Employment Library. Simply follow the link to the database.
Let’s search the entire database by putting well-chosen subject terms (ADA substance abuse) into the Quick Search box. The Quick Search box is just one way to search the Library. BNA’s Labor and Employment Law Library
Database Syntax Assistance BNA, like most databases, offers help screens to assist you with search syntax.
You can see the wide range of materials included in these search results. Materials under the “Analysis” link can be a fruitful starting source for an overview of the subject. Oftentimes, these materials will lead you to pertinent statutes, cases and regulations. Search Results
In addition to searching for databases by subject, you can search for them by a single country or region. For resources that span multiple countries and regions, select Multi- Jurisdictional e-Resources” from the pull-down bar. Finding a Database by Country or Region
Results of Search for Databases on China A country search for China, for example, yields these four databases. Notice that information to help you use the database is indicated in purple.
Results of Search for “Multi- jurisdictional e-Resources” Constitutions of the Countries of the World Foreign Law Guide Government Gazettes Online International Bureau of Fiscal Documentation (IBFD) Online Publications International Encyclopedia of Laws International Law Reports RIA Worldwide Tax Law vLex A search for Multi-jurisdictional e-Resources produces a list of 50 databases, including :
Finding A Database by Resource Type You can search for databases by Resource type, such as Book Reviews News & Newspapers Historical Newspapers Statistics & Data
Results of Search for “Historical Newspapers”
Database Research at NYU Law Library The methods described in this presentation should assist you on finding and using databases. Remember, don’t stop there in your research. Make sure to search Julius, NYU’s Law Library catalog, to find books on your subject. Explore the “Find Journals & Articles” portion of the page to locate articles in journals.
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