A PowerPoint presentation by: Alyssa Schiavon (: Enjoy VIDEO Game Addiction A PowerPoint presentation by: Alyssa Schiavon (: Enjoy
Video game addiction is real.. Video game addiction is real.. Although it isn’t officially recognized as a diagnosable disorder by the American Medical Association, there is evidence that people of all ages, are facing very real sometimes severe consequences within the use of video games and computer games. Instances have been reported where users play compulsively, isolating themselves from family and friends. There is no diagnosis of video game addiction in current medical or psychological disorder.
Emotional Symptoms There is no diagnosis of video game addiction in current medical or psychological disorder. Some symptoms of addiction are salience mood modification, Tolerance of violence withdrawal, conflict, and relapse
Addiction Video game players like to spend most of their free time, playing video games. But for some people, what starts out as an innocent video game player becomes an addiction. Soon, friends, family, and school are neglected every spare moment spent is playing video games.
Addiction What makes video games so addictive is that they designed them kind of like casinos. They allow players to have small “wins” that can keep them playing, and then it can turn into a big win. There are different “hooks” that are built in the video games with the intent to make them “addictive”.
Most addictive What can be especially addictive is MMORPGs, also known as Massive Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Games. The reason why this is probably the most addictive is because there is no ending. What do you try and do when your on a video game? You usually try to beat your score that you played last with, or try to beat the game.. Right? Well that’s why you are so addicted to them, because they make you play them more!
Physical Consequences of Gaming Addiction You finally found a new passage way to the next level. You’re so excited that you barely notice the pain in your, nor notice your on the verge of getting a headache.. Again. You may also suffer other consequence's such as carpal tunnel (which is caused when the main nerve between the forearm and hand is squeezed or pressed. It may get swollen or irritated.) , migraines, sleep disturbances, backaches, eating irregularities, and poor personal hygiene. When I mean personal hygiene I mean you aren’t taking showers regularly, brushing your teeth, combing your hair, and other things you may need to do.
Social Consequences of Gaming Addiction People are to busy playing there games that their personal relationships get neglected and sometimes disappear altogether. Its not just neglect that cots addicted gamers their relationships. Some people talk about their game, and what its about so much that people no longer want to be around them. They won’t/can’t get into the real world conversations or be a source of support or encouragement to friends and family. Because their friends are talking about something else and they may feel left out, or un-wanted. An addicted teenager won’t develop effective social skills, which won’t help him when her wants to hangout with friends, girls/or guys, or just hangout and enjoy peoples company. The social awkwardness created by the addiction then comes in..
Violence of Video Games The most popular games used today are “COD-1-2-3-4” “ “ Grand Theft Auto” “Syndicate” “Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning” & etc. Usually in these games you are a U.S or British soldier who is sent to the military to defeat the worlds most dangerous and strongest enemies. As the violence in video games increase, so has the concern for the effects on those who play. Many of the school shootings in recent years have been carried out by avid gamers, their games of choice were dark, and very violent.
Treatment Options for Video Game Addicts. A therapist or treatment Maybe if you join a school sport or hobby like swimming or dancing, different sports out of school Go into a summer camp or wilderness program that will get you back into the environment, and social life. Talk to people who have the same problem, and resolve it together.
Resources' http://www.video-game-addiction.org/ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Video_game_addiction http://www.video-game-addiction.org/what-makes-games-addictive.html http://www.video-game-addiction.org/physical-consequences.html http://www.video-game-addiction.org/social-consequences.html http://www.imdb.com/search/title?sort=moviemeter,asc&title_type=game&year=2012,2012 http://www.video-game-addiction.org/violence.html http://www.video-game-addiction.org/video-game-addiction-treatment.html