Suicide Prevention The 3 rd leading cause of death for year olds.
Suicide Lesson Objectives 1.Identify 3 behavioral warning signs of suicide. 2.Identify 3 verbal warning signs of suicide. 3.Explain how to help a friend that is contemplating suicide. 4.Identify 3 stressful situations that might lead to suicide. 5.Identify 3 risk factors of suicide. Upon completion of the lesson students should be able to…
rd leading cause of death 4,600 All Ages 10 th leading cause of death 38,364 Young Adults are about 12% of all suicides
Suicide Statistics Year All ages US Yr. Olds Yr. Olds High School Age ,3644,6001, ,9094,3711, ,0354,2981, ,5984,1401, ,3004,1891, ,6374,2121,267
Feelings Depression –Feelings of hopelessness & helplessness Alienation –Feeling isolated, alone
Situations Divorce/separation/breakup Being bullied Death Extreme stress Questioning sexuality Disease $ problems
Risk Factors Abusing drugs/alcohol Abuse (child, relationship) Violence & aggression Prior suicide attempts Family history of mental disorders Jail time Exposure to other suicides
Verbal Warning Signs “I want to die.” “I wish I were dead.” “Nothing matters.” “They’ll be sorry when I’m gone.” “I won’t be a problem for you much longer.” these are Cries for help… Does anyone care?
Behavioral Warning Signs Lack of energy Giving away possessions Settling affairs Withdrawal from friends, social activities Increased risk-taking = Accidents Running away Change in appearance Purchase of weapons, pills or other suspicious items accidents running away
3 Underlying Causes of Suicide The tragic fact is that the conditions leading to suicide are almost always treatable. With help, most people suffering from depression, extreme stress, or mental disorders can often find new levels of purpose and happiness.
Helping Others Take any & all talk of potential suicide seriously –Show support, be calm & understanding Stress the TEMPORARY nature of the problems and feelings Emphasize that suicide is not the answer –Most survivors later express gratitude that they did not die
Helping Others Don’t leave them alone if you feel the threat is immediate Suggest they talk to a parent, trusted adult, trained professional –McHenry County Crisis Line ( )
Helping Others DO NOT “keep a secret” –They might get mad at you, but consider the guilt you might feel if something happened –Remember it is life and death we’re talking about…it needs to be taken seriously Which adults could you tell at HHS? Guidance counselor, social worker, administrator, teacher…
What not to do! Don’t try to handle it alone Don’t ignore them or change the subject Don’t suggest alcohol or drugs as a solution –Many people commit suicide when under the influence of drugs “Hey lets blow off steam and go have a drink…Then you’ll feel better.”
they see it as the ONLY way to solve their problems. The majority of teenagers attempt suicide because… Tunnel Vision
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Multiple Suicides Cluster suicides –Rash of suicides occurring within a short space of time and involving several people in the same school or community. Suicide pacts –Agreements to take part in t joint suicide –When pact fails, overwhelming guilt if felt by the survivor
Other Chronic Suicide –Conditions where a person is slowly but surely committing suicide Excessive drug use Eating disorders Accidental Suicide –Not intentional