On behalf of the CHARM Programme Investigators and Committees Candesartan in Heart failure Assessment of Reduction in Mortality and morbidity CHARM
2 Background (1) ACE inhibitors, beta-blockers and spironolactone have been demonstrated to be life-saving in patients with CHF However, these patients still remain at high risk for cardiovascular death and recurrent hospital admissions for heart failure
3 Background (2) Angiotensin II type 1 (AT 1 ) receptor blockers (ARBs) provide a pharmacologically distinct mechanism of inhibiting the renin-angiotensin- aldosterone system ARBs offer the potential to produce further clinical improvements above and beyond ACE inhibitors as well as an alternative for those previously intolerant to an ACE inhibitor
4 Aims: CHARM Programme Effects of Candesartan on Each trial: Cardiovascular death or CHF hospitalisation Overall programme: All-cause death Key secondary outcomes Other major CV-outcomes Mortality in patients with LVEF 40% Other prespecified outcomes Development of diabetes mellitus Investigator reported outcomes
5 CHARM Added CHARM Preserved CHARM Programme 3 component trials comparing candesartan to placebo in patients with symptomatic heart failure CHARM Alternative n=2028 LVEF 40% ACE inhibitor intolerant n=2548 LVEF 40% ACE inhibitor treated n=3025 LVEF >40% ACE inhibitor treated/not treated Primary outcome for Overall Programme: All-cause death Primary outcome for each trial: CV death or CHF hospitalisation
6 Countries and national leaders CountryCo-ordinator Patients AustraliaP. Aylward227 Belg/LuxJ. Vanhaecke249 CanadaR. S. McKelvie J-L. Rouleau943 Czech RepM. J. Hradec194 DenmarkP. Thayssen487 FinlandM. Niemelä102 FranceA. Cohen Solal225 GermanyR. Dietz803 HungaryI. Edes204 IcelandA. Kristinson82 ItalyA. Maggioni151 MalaysiaC. C. Lang140 NetherlandsD.J. van Veldhuisen420 NorwayT. Gundersen217 PolandJ. Kuch215 PortugalR. Seabra Gomes93 RussiaA. Yurenev200 SingaporeD. Zee Pin 62 South AfricaA. J. Dalby120 SpainJ. Soler Soler125 SwedenH. Persson192 SwitzerlandO. Hess68 UK/IrelandA. J. S. Coats281 USAJ. Young M. Dunlap Total number of patients 7,601 CountryCo-ordinator Patients
7 Recruitment in the three component CHARM-trials JanJuneDecJune Number of patients First patient March Overall 7601 Preserved 3025 Added 2548 Alternative 2028 Dec 2001
8 Inclusion and exclusion criteria Key exclusion criteria S-creatinine 265 mol/L ( 3mg/dL) S-potassium 5.5mmol/L Bilateral renal artery stenosis Symptomatic hypotension ARB within two weeks Inclusion criteria Age >18 years Symptomatic heart failure for at least 4 weeks (New York Heart Association Class II-IV)
9 Study design Dose-titration and visit schedule Time0 w2 w4 w6 w6 m Every 4 months until study end 31 March 2003 Visit mg Candesartan/ matching placebo once daily 16 mg 8 mg 32 mg 4 mg 16 mg 8 mg
10 Statistical methods (1) In each component trial, sample size was independently estimated for the composite outcome of cardiovascular death or hospitalisation for heart failure All-cause mortality was evaluated in the Overall programme
11 Statistical methods (2) Main analysis for each trial: CV death and hospitalisation for CHF based on adjudicated events Supportive analysis: Cox regression model with 33 prespecified baseline covariates to improve precision Other analyses: investigor reported outcomes and prespecified subgroups
12 Mean age (years) Women (%) NYHA class (%) II III IV 3323 Mean LVEF Medical history (%) myocardial infarction diabetes hypertension atrial fibrillation Baseline characteristics (1) AlternativeAddedPreservedOverall n=2028n=2548n=3023n=7599
13 LVEF (%) - Mean Proportion < SBP/DBP (mmHg)130/77125/75136/78131/77 Heart rate (beats/min) Baseline characteristics (2) AlternativeAddedPreservedOverall n=2028n=2548n=3023n=7599
14 Baseline therapy (%) ACE inhibitor beta-blocker diuretic spironolactone digitalis aspirin lipid lowering Baseline characteristics (3) AlternativeAddedPreservedOverall n=2028n=2548n=3023n=7599
15 CHARM Programme n=3025 LVEF >40% ACE inhibitor treated/not treated CHARM Added CHARM Preserved 3 component trials comparing candesartan to placebo CHARM Alternative n=2028 LVEF 40% ACE inhibitor intolerant n=2548 LVEF 40% ACE inhibitor treated Primary outcome: CV death or CHF hosp
16 CHARM-Alternative Background At least 20% of patients with CHF are not receiving ACE inhibitors, about half (10%) due to ACE inhibitor intolerance. Aim To evaluate effects of candesartan in patients with symptomatic CHF and intolerance to ACE-I
17 CHARM-Alternative Patient disposition Median follow-up of 34 months Candesartan n=1013 Placebo n=1015 Completed Study n=1011 Completed Study n=1014 Lost to follow-up n=2 Lost to follow-up n= patients randomised NYHA II-IV, LVEF 40% ACE inhibitor intolerant
18 Mean age (years) Women (%) NYHA class (%) II III IV 3323 Mean LVEF Medical history (%) myocardial infarction diabetes hypertension atrial fibrillation Baseline characteristics AlternativeAddedPreservedOverall n=2028n=2548n=3023n=7599
19 Baseline therapy (%) ACE inhibitor beta-blocker diuretic spironolactone digitalis aspirin lipid lowering Baseline characteristics AlternativeAddedPreservedOverall n=2028n=2548n=3023n=7599
20 Reason for ACE-I intolerance (%) cough7074 hypotension1412 renal dysfunction1310 angioedema/anaphylaxis44 other1011 CHARM-Alternative Baseline characteristics CandesartanPlacebo n=1013n=1015
21 CHARM-Alternative: Primary outcome CV death or CHF hospitalisation 0123years Placebo Candesartan % HR 0.77 (95% CI ), p= Adjusted HR 0.70, p< Number at risk Candesartan Placebo (40.0%) 334 (33.0%)
22 CHARM-Alternative Secondary outcomes CV death CHF hosp CV death, CHF hosp, MI CV death, CHF hosp, MI, stroke CV death, CHF hosp, MI, stroke, revasc Candesartan Placebo candesartan better Hazard ratio placebo better p-value <
23 CHARM-Alternative Investigator reported CHF hospitalisations Placebo Candesartan Proportion of patients (%) Patients hospitalised Hospitalisations p< p= Number of episodes
24 CHARM-Alternative Permanent study drug discontinuations Percent of patients Placebo Candesartan p=0.23p< p=0.0005p=0.69 Hypo- tension Increased creatinine Increased potassium CoughAE/ lab. abnorm p=0.50 Angio- edema Among all patients
25 CHARM-Alternative Permanent study drug discontinuations According to prior ACE-I intolerance Percent of patients Hypo- tension Increased creatinine Cough Placebo Candesartan Increased potassium (1/39) Angioedema
26 CHARM-Alternative Conclusions Despite prior intolerance to another inhibitor of the renin-angiotensin- aldosterone system, candesartan was well tolerated In patients with symptomatic chronic heart failure and ACE-inhibitor intolerance, candesartan reduces cardiovascular mortality and morbidity
27 n=3025 LVEF >40% ACE inhibitor treated/not treated CHARM Added CHARM Preserved CHARM Programme 3 component trials comparing Candesartan to placebo CHARM Alternative n=2028 LVEF 40% ACE inhibitor intolerant n=2548 LVEF 40% ACE inhibitor treated Primary outcome: CV death or CHF hosp
28 Despite full conventional treatment, patients with CHF have a poor prognosis - new treatments are needed Non-ACE pathways produce angiotensin II ACE (kininase II) inhibition increases bradykinin CHARM-Added Background Aim To evaluate the effects of adding candesartan to a ACE-inhibitor in patients with symptomatic CHF
29 CHARM-Added Patient disposition Median follow-up of 41 months Candesartan n=1276 Placebo n=1272 Completed Study n=1273 Completed Study n=1271 Lost to follow-up n=3 Lost to follow-up n= patients randomised NYHA II-IV, LVEF 40% ACE inhibitor treated
30 Mean age (years) Women (%) NYHA class (%) II III IV 3323 Mean LVEF Medical history (%) myocardial infarction diabetes hypertension atrial fibrillation Baseline characteristics AlternativeAddedPreservedOverall n=2028n=2548n=3023n=7599
31 Baseline therapy (%) ACE inhibitor beta-blocker diuretic spironolactone digitalis aspirin lipid lowering Baseline characteristics AlternativeAddedPreservedOverall n=2028n=2548n=3023n=7599
32 CHARM-Added Baseline ACE inhibitor enalapril27% 1717 lisinopril19%1717 captopril17%8283 ramipril11% 7 7 Mean daily dose of ACE inhibitor (mg) Candesartan Placebo Proportion taking ACE inhibitor
33 CHARM-Added: Primary outcome CV death or CHF hospitalisation 0123years Placebo Candesartan Number at risk Candesartan Placebo HR 0.85 (95% CI ), p=0.011 Adjusted HR 0.85, p= (37.9%) 538 (42.3%) %
34 CHARM-Added Secondary outcomes CV death CHF hosp CV death, CHF hosp, MI CV death,CHF hosp, MI, stroke CV death,CHF hosp, MI, stroke, revasc candesartan better Hazard ratio placebo better p-value Candesartan Placebo
35 CHARM-Added Prespecified subgroups, CV death or CHF hosp. Beta- Yes223/702274/711 blockerNo260/574264/561 Recom.Yes232/643275/648 dose ofNo251/633263/624 ACE inhib. All patients483/ /1272 CandesartanPlacebo candesartan better Hazard ratio placebo better p-value for treatment interaction
36 CHARM-Added Investigator reported CHF hospitalisations Placebo Candesartan p=0.002 p=0.008 Patients hospitalised Hospitalisations Proportion of patients (%) Number of episodes
37 CHARM-Added Permanent study drug discontinuations Placebo Candesartan Percent of patients p=0.0003p=0.079p=0.0001p< Hypo- tension Increased creatinine Increased potassium AE/ lab. abnorm
38 CHARM-Added Conclusions Addition of candesartan to an ACE inhibitor (and beta-blocker) leads to a further and clinically important reduction in CV mortality and morbidity in patients with CHF This benefit is obtained with relatively few adverse effects, although there is an increased risk of hypotension, hyperkalaemia and renal dysfunction
39 CHARM Programme n=3025 LVEF >40% ACE inhibitor treated/not treated CHARM Added CHARM Preserved 3 component trials comparing candesartan to placebo CHARM Alternative n=2028 LVEF 40% ACE inhibitor intolerant n=2548 LVEF 40% ACE inhibitor treated Primary outcome: CV death or CHF hosp
40 CHARM-Preserved Background Although half of patients with CHF have preserved ejection fractions (>40%), few treatments have specifically been evaluated in such patients Aim To evaluate effects of candesartan in patients with symptomatic CHF and LVEF >40%
41 CHARM-Preserved Patient disposition Median follow-up of 37 months Candesartan n=1514 Placebo n=1509 Completed Study n=1512 Completed Study n=1508 Lost to follow-up n=2 Lost to follow-up n= patients randomised NYHA II-IV LVEF > 40% 2 patients with no data
42 Mean age (years) Women (%) NYHA class (%) II III IV 3323 Mean LVEF Medical history (%) myocardial infarction diabetes hypertension atrial fibrillation Baseline characteristics AlternativeAddedPreservedOverall n=2028n=2548n=3023n=7599
43 Baseline signs, symptoms and radiographic findings Preserved Added Alternative % Oedema Orthop- noea PND Rest dyspnoea S3S3 CracklesJVP >6 cm Cardio- megaly
44 Baseline therapy (%) ACE inhibitor beta-blocker diuretic spironolactone digitalis aspirin lipid lowering Baseline characteristics AlternativeAddedPreservedOverall n=2028n=2548n=3023n=7599
45 CHARM-Preserved: Primary outcome CV death or CHF hospitalisation 0123years Number at risk Candesartan Placebo Placebo Candesartan HR 0.89 (95% CI ), p=0.118 Adjusted HR 0.86, p=0.051 % 366 (24.3%) 333 (22.0%)
46 CHARM-Preserved Primary and secondary outcomes CV death, CHF hosp CV death CHF hosp CV death, CHF hosp, MI CV death,CHF hosp, MI, stroke CV death,CHF hosp, MI, stroke, revasc candesartan better Hazard ratio placebo better p-value Covariate adjusted p-value Candesartan Placebo
47 CHARM-Preserved Investigator reported CHF hospitalisations Placebo Candesartan p=0.014 p=0.017 Patients hospitalised Hospitalisations Proportion of patients (%) Number of episodes
48 CHARM-Preserved Development of new diabetes ( ) Number of casesHRp-value CandesartanPlacebo(CI)
49 CHARM-Preserved Permanent study drug discontinuations Hypo- tension Increased creatinine Increased potassium Any adverse event Placebo Candesartan Percent of patients p=0.001p=0.006p<0.001p=
50 CHARM-Preserved Conclusions The CHARM Preserved trial provides supportive evidence that the ARB, candesartan can prevent CHF hospitalisations and can prevent the development of diabetes mellitus.
51 CHARM-Preserved This trial provides information on the poorly studied, but large, group of CHF patients with LVEF >40% Data on their own are suggestive of benefit When taken in the context of the results of the two parallel CHARM trials in patients with low LVEF, physicians may consider candesartan in patients with CHF irrespective of EF
52 CHARM Programme CHARM Added CHARM Preserved 3 component trials comparing candesartan to placebo CHARM Alternative n=2028 LVEF 40% ACE inhibitor intolerant n=2548 LVEF 40% ACE inhibitor treated n=3025 LVEF >40% ACE inhibitor treated/not treated Primary outcome: All-cause death
53 CHARM-Overall Patient disposition Median follow-up of 38 months Candesartan n=3803 Placebo n=3796 Completed Study n=3796 Completed Study n=3793 Lost to follow-up n=7 Lost to follow-up n= patients randomised NYHA II-IV 2 patients with no data
54 CHARM-Overall All-cause death 0123years Number at risk Candesartan Placebo Placebo Candesartan % HR 0.91 (95% CI ), p=0.055 Adjusted HR 0.90, p= (24.9%) 886 (23.3%)
55 CHARM-Overall CV death and non-CV death 0123years % 0 CV death Non-CV death Placebo Candesartan Placebo Candesartan HR 0.88 (95% CI ), p=0.012 Adjusted HR 0.87, p=0.006 p= Number at risk Candesartan Placebo
56 CHARM-Overall CV death or CHF hosp. 0123years % Placebo Candesartan HR 0.84 (95% CI ), p< Adjusted HR 0.82, p< Number at risk Candesartan Placebo (34.5%) 1150 (30.2%)
57 CHARM Programme Mortality and morbidity All Cause Mortality CV Death or CHF Hospitalisation Hazard ratio p heterogeneity=0.43 Alternative Added Preserved Overall p heterogeneity=0.37 p= p=0.055 p=0.011 p=0.118 p<
58 CHARM-Overall Secondary composite outcomes CV death CHF hosp CV death, CHF hosp CV death, CHF hosp, MI CV death, CHF hosp, MI, stroke CV death, CHF hosp, MI, stroke, revasc candesartan better Hazard ratio placebo better p-value < Candesartan Placebo
59 CV death or hospitalisation for CHF candesartan better Hazard ratio placebo better Age /852421/884 LVEF 40333/ /1504 Gender Male813/ /2582 Female337/ /1214 NYHAII359/ /1686 III/IV791/ /2110 Overall1150/ /3796 Candesartan event/n Placebo event/n p=0.26 p=0.93 p=0.63 p=0.40 Test for interaction
60 CV death or hospitalisation for CHF DiabetesNo680/ /2721 Yes470/ /1075 Hyper-No484/ /1703 tensionYes666/ /2093 ACE No586/ /2244 inhibitors Yes564/ /1552 Beta-No611/ /1695 blockerYes539/ /2101 Spirono-No880/ /3167 lactoneYes270/643269/629 Overall1150/ /3796 Test for interaction p=0.09 p=0.51 p=0.32 p=0.19 p=0.17 candesartan better Hazard ratio placebo better Candesartan event/n Placebo event/n
61 CHARM LVEF 40% (Alternative and Added) All-cause death CV death HRCIp-value
62 CHARM-Overall CHF hospitalisations Placebo Candesartan p< Patients hospitalised Hospitalisations Proportion of patients (%) Number of episodes p<0.0001
63 CHARM-Overall Development of new diabetes 163 (6)202 (7) ( ) Number of cases (%)HRp-value CandesartanPlacebo(CI) n=2715n=2721
64 CHARM-Overall Permanent study drug discontinuations Placebo Candesartan Percent of patients p< Hypo- tension Increased creatinine Increased potassium AE/ lab. abnorm
65 CHARM-Overall Conclusions 9% reduction in all cause deaths (p=0.055, covariate adj. p=0.032) 12% reduction in CV mortality (p=0.012) 21% reduction in CHF hosp. (p<0.0001) 16% reduction in CV deaths or CHF hosp. (p<0.0001) Treatment of a broad spectrum of patients with symptomatic heart failure with candesartan resulted in a:
66 CHARM-Overall Implications The addition of the ARB, candesartan, can be considered in all patients with chronic heart failure irrespective of ejection fraction, age and sex Benefits were achieved on top of other effective concomitant therapies including ACE inhibitors and beta- blockers The consistent effects of candesartan across the three CHARM trials suggest that: