Biology 331 Eukaryotic Microbes
Eukaryotic Groups With Microbes Algae - many chlorophylls, few pathogens Fungi - structure groups, many pathogens Protozoa - motility groups, many pathogens
Fig. 2.32, rRNA
Fig , many genes/proteins
Mycology - More About Fungi
Fungi Features Nearly all have chitin (NAG only) walls and… Membrane ergosterols - antifungal drug target Most differentiate - unicellular, hyphae, spores Chemotroph decomposers - soil, water Will NOT tackle book classification - too in flux!
Pathogenic Fungi Mycoses grouped by depth - skip subcutaneous Superficial = e.g. Trichophyton - athlete’s foot Systemic = e.g. Candida - thrush, vaginitis
More About Protozoa
Protozoa Features Unicellular, vegetative forms lack cell walls Predatory chemotrophs, some make hardy cysts Phenotypic Classification - motility groups… DNA - new vs. old flagellates (no mitochondria) Antiprotozoal drugs - agent/disease-specific, major side effects, resistance issues
Old Flagellate - Giardia lamblia Cysts - mammal GI, 97% freshwater, resists Cl 2-4 weeks - foul, greasy stool, sulfuric gas Can become chronic in liver - cyclic diarrhea 90% infants/oral-fecal; 30% gay men/STD 30% developing – carry or have Ab/exposure Drug: Flagyl inhibits e- carriers
Old Flagellate - Trichomonas vaginalis Hydrogenosome - novel anaerobic organelles No survival outside host - STD or perinatal Females: vaginitis, yellow/foul discharge, pain Males: asymptomatic carriers Drugs: Flagyl; condoms = effective control This is NOT a notifiable disease - even though it likely causes 3 million US cases/year.
New Flagellate - Trypanosoma brucei No survival outside host - insect-borne African Sleeping - Tsetse Fly/Glossina saliva… Fatal (0.5-2 yrs) – heart and/or CNS failure Drug: Suramin halts metabolic enzymes 20,000 Africans die/year vs. 24 tourist deaths in 40 years (of 20,000 tourists to Africa/year).
New Flagellate - Trypanosoma cruzi No survival outside host - insect-borne Chagas - assassin/kissing bugs GI/feces Mild flu-like to chronic heart/GI/CSF Latin America: million, 10% heart defects Drug: Nifurtimox alkylates DNA Disturbingly, US blood is not screened and this is not a notifiable disease.
Amoeba - Naegleria fowleri Cysts - free-living in soil, water, hot springs Nose to brain - hemorrhagic encephalitis Fast frontal headache, taste/smell loss, seizure Death in days, 4 survivors/140 cases worldwide Drug: Amphotericin B attacks membranes
Sporozoa - Plasmodium No survival outside host - insect-borne Tropical Anopheles bite to liver (1 hour) to RBC Sickle cell carriers PROTECTED Acute Malaria: fever, headache, anemia Drug: Quinolones/Quinine binds DNA US/DDT eradicated in 1950’s but re-emerging = 2000 cases/year, most airport-associated