Stage 9 Vocab ► thermae ► ibant ► oleum ► strigiles ► ferebant ► athletas ► pugiles ► in palaestra ► se exercebant ► discos emittebant ► invenerunt ► apodyterium.


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Presentation transcript:

Stage 9 Vocab ► thermae ► ibant ► oleum ► strigiles ► ferebant ► athletas ► pugiles ► in palaestra ► se exercebant ► discos emittebant ► invenerunt ► apodyterium ► togas ► baths ► used to go ► oil ► scrapers ► used to carry ► athletes ► boxers ► in the palaestra ► were exercising ► were throwing discuses ► found ► changing room ► togas

Stage 9 Vocab ► tepidarium ► paulisper ► caldarium ► ibi ► garriebant ► radebant ► statuas ► posuerunt ► offerebant ► in media ► novum ► warm room ► for a short time ► hot room ► there ► were gossiping ► scraped ► statues ► have put up ► were offering ► in the middle of ► new

Stage 9 Vocab ► porticus ► longe ► per auras evolavit ► rediit ► non accepit ► tradidit ► nasum fractum ► colonnade ► far ► flew through the air ► went back ► did not accept ► handed over ► a broken nose

Stage 9 Vocab ► mane ► domina ► donum ► hae togae ► sordidae ► intus ► alias ► elegit ► haec ► quanti est? ► in the morning ► madam, ma’am ► present, gift ► these togas ► dirty ► inside ► other ► chose ► this ► how much is it?

Stage 9 Vocab ► quinquaginta denarios ► cupio ► tibi ► decem ► quadraginta ► quindecim ► nimium ► triginta ► do ► consentio ► fifty denarii ► want ► to you ► ten ► forty ► fifteen ► too much ► thirty ► give ► agree

Stage 9 Vocab ► ego...gratias...ago ► induit ► abi! ► pauper ► geris ► parce! ► aegra ► liberos ► audiunt ► thanks, give thanks ► is putting on ► go away! ► a poor man ► you are wearing ► spare me! ► sick, ill ► children ► listen to

Stage 9 Grammar THE DATIVE CASE Clemens puellae vinum offerebat. iuvenis servo pecuniam tradidit. Clemens was offering wine to the girl. The young man handed over the money to the slave. The words in the bold black are in the DATIVE CASE. You have now met three cases.

Dominus servo signum dedit. Nominative Case

Dominus servo signum dedit. Dative Case

Dominus servo signum dedit. Accusative Case

Take a look at the following sentences dominus mercatori statuam emit. Grumio ancillis cenam paravit. Quintus amicis discum ostendit. servi leonibus cibum dederunt The master brought a statue for the merchant. Grumio prepared a dinner for the slave girls. Quintus showed the discus to his friends. The slaves gave food to the lions.

You have now learned the following cases: First Declension Second Declension Third Declension SINGULARNominativepuellaservusmercator Dativepuellaeservomercatori Accusativepuellamservummercatorem PLURALNominativepuellaeservimercatores Dativepuellisservismercatoribus AccusativepuellasservosMercatores

Practice #1 ancilla domino cibum ostendit. The slave girl showes the food to her master. agricola uxori anulum emit. The farmer bought a ring for his wife.

Practice #2 servus Metellae togam tradidit. The slave handed over the toga to Metella. mercator gladiatoribus pecuniam offerebat. The merchant was offering money to the gladiators.

Practice #3 femina ancillis tunicas quaerebat. The woman was seaching for tunics for the slave girls.

Stage 9 Grammar Part II Notice the different cases of the words for I and you : ego senem saluto. frater mihi statuam ostendit. amicus me salutat. tu picturam pingis. pater tibi pecuniam dat. athleta te laudat. I greet the old man. My brother shows a statue to me. The friend greets me. You are painting a picture. Your father gives money to you. The athlete praises you.

I and you Nominativeego: Itu: you Dativemihi: to metibi: to you AccusativeMe: mete: you