I know not if the voice of man can reach to the sky; What is it to be a Native American Indian? What are they like ? I know not if the voice of man can reach to the sky; I know not if the Mighty One will hear as I pray; I know not if the gifts I ask will all granted be; I know not if the world of old we truly can hear; I know not what will come to pass in our future days; I hope that only good will come, my children, to you.
"Native American isn’t blood; it is what is in the heart."" We Indians love to worship. There is nothing between us and the Big Holy. He does not punish the animals and the birds, and he does not punish man. There is no evil power – there is only one ruling power, and it is Good. We believe everything is sacred from the largest mountain to the smallest plant and animal. We love, honour, and respect our Creator and every living thing, because we are part of everything, and everything is a part of us. We are all One. Every experience and everything on earth has a lesson to teach us . Everything has a purpose. Chief Standing Bear - Sioux, Born 1868 "Native American isn’t blood; it is what is in the heart."" Pick out the belief that speaks to you most of all. Explain why you feel that way.
Native American Creation Story To identify some Native American beliefs To compare and contrast a Native Indian American creation story with Genesis 3 To explore the way Native American beliefs on creation affect their attitude to creation
Chief Seattle’s Reply Explain the Chief’s point of view. (3 things) How is it different from the white man’s attitude ? Look at the extract from his speech below. Pick out something you agree with and explain why. **What warning could you give the white man, from what the Chief is saying ? In 1854, the Americans in Washington made an offer to buy a large area of Indian land, promising the Indians could have a part of it to live in. What do you think the Indian Chief Seattle will reply ? 1. How can you buy or sell the sky, the warmth of the land? The idea is strange to us. If we do not own the freshness of the air and the sparkle of the water, how can you buy them? 2. The earth does not belong to man; man belongs to the earth. You may think you own God; but you cannot. This earth is precious to him, and to harm the earth is to heap contempt on its Creator. 3. The whites too shall pass; perhaps sooner than all the other tribes. Contaminate your bed, and you will one night suffocate in your own waste. 4. We do not understand God’s purpose in giving you rule over this land and over the red man: why the buffalo are all slaughtered, the wild horses are tamed, the hills blotted by talking wires. Where is the thicket? Gone. Where is the eagle? Gone. It is the end of living and the beginning of survival.
Design your own totem pole Label the three animal-parts and what they mean. Totem Pole The animals or plants carved on a totem pole are spirit beings which the family has a special connection with and which protect that family. There are 3 levels: The animal at the bottom guides you into your dreams. The animal in the middle guides you into your heart to make you better at loving others. The animal at the top, guides you into the spirit world and protects you always.
A Native Indian Creation Myth The Native American Indians have many creation stories, that tell of the way animals and humans all came to be on this earth, and help each other out. Read the creation story and identify 2 ways it is similar 2 ways it is different from the Bible creation stories in Genesis. Write up your similarities and differences as paragraphs. **How is the Native American idea of God different from the God of the Bible ?
American Indian Commandments Sacred Instructions Given By The Creator To Native People At The Time Of Creation Treat the Earth and all that dwell thereon with respect. Remain close to the Great Spirit. Show great respect for your fellow beings. Work together for the benefit of all Mankind. Give assistance and kindness wherever needed. Do what you know to be right. Look after the well being of mind and body. Dedicate a share of your efforts to the greater good. Be truthful and honest at all times. Take full responsibility for your actions. Write your own 5 Sacred Instructions for Creation.