Chapter XI
The creature tells of his experiences waking up. He talks of how his senses developed. He had a problem telling the difference between light and dark. His vision took several days to come into focus, the way it takes time for infants' eyes to adjust.
He left the laboratory, he wandered around the forest near Ingolstadt The Creature lived on raw berries and nuts. He discovered Fire from what a traveler left behind.
He learned of the warmth and uses of fire as well as the danger of it. which he figured out when he stuck his hand in the flames and burned it He did not know how to recreate fire. Because of this, he kept it burning continuously. He used it to keep warm and to cook the nuts he found. He tried to imitate the sounds of the birds, but the sound of his own voice frightened him.
When the food supply became scarce, the creature had to move on. As he looked for a new place, snow fell and he found a shepherd's cottage.
When he entered the cottage, the man ran away screaming in fear at the hideousness of the monster. The monster, having never seen himself, didn't understand the reaction. He stayed in the cottage, which fascinated him because it was the first shelter he'd ever been in.
After eating and resting, he left and came upon a village He tried to find shelter there but was chased away by the frightened villagers who threw rocks at him. After being treated like that, he became afraid of people
When he found another cottage off in the forest, he hid in a shed near the house and watched the family through a small hole in a covered window. There an old man, a young man and a young lady lived He heard music for the first time when the father played his guitar.
The creature even experienced the emotions of sadness and joy while he watched them, but he didn't know what those feelings were. Watching them made him happy, but the monster didn't want the family to know he was there.