Digital Age 2008 Laurence Aderemi, Director, Business Development AdMob
Mobile Media Business End of the Beginning Phase of Mobile Major Strides Forward in 2008 Beginning of the Next Phase of Mobile AdMob, Inc. Confidential & Proprietary
AdMob, Inc. Confidential & Proprietary Examples Who is AdMob?
AdMob, Inc. Confidential & Proprietary Size and Scope Leader 49 Billion ads served Global Scale 4.5 Billion impressions / mo European Scale 500 Million impressions / mo Publisher Partnerships mobile sites / premium publishers Advertisers Thousands of active advertisers Leading Mobile Advertising Marketplace
iPhone Network & Ad Formats AdMob, Inc. Confidential & Proprietary Canvas Video Audio Web iTunes Maps App Store Call
Mobile Metrics Report AdMob, Inc. Confidential & Proprietary October 2008 preview: 5 Billion Ads Served iPhone #1 Device Worldwide 38 % of iPhone traffic is outside the US 5 % of total requests iPhone #2 Device in the US
Mobile Analytics AdMob, Inc. Confidential & Proprietary Understand Visitors Evaluate Traffic Sources Improve Site Performance Track Beyond the Click Monitor Conversion Events
AdMob, Inc. Confidential & Proprietary Examples State of the Mobile Media Business
End of the Beginning Phase Operator-centric world Slow networks Expensive data plans Phones with limited capabilities Minimal user engagement AdMob, Inc. Confidential & Proprietary
End of the Beginning Phase Limited quality content No advertising standards or best practices Limited campaign reporting and transparency Lack of real scale No real proof points of success AdMob, Inc. Confidential & Proprietary
Major strides forward in 2008 Openness High speed networks Affordable data plans Compelling new devices Browser and Application usage start to take off Increased developer interest AdMob, Inc. Confidential & Proprietary
Major strides forward in 2008 Tracking and standards Real success stories Broadening advertiser interest Scale and targeting Strong brand recall AdMob, Inc. Confidential & Proprietary
Beginning of The Next Phase AdMob, Inc. Confidential & Proprietary True openness Broad range of compelling devices Mobile-specific content leverages rich context Users embrace mobile media Commerce
Beginning of The Next Phase Promise of interactive + unique capabilities of mobile Sophisticated targeting Measurement Rich context At scale media buys Rapid growth & virtuous cycle AdMob, Inc. Confidential & Proprietary
So What 2009? Mobile advertising works for both performance and brand advertisers. There is a Real Publishing Model in mobile media Proving segments and Educating advertisers is essential New devices will be a catalyst. We begin to see mobile’s potential realized in AdMob, Inc. Confidential & Proprietary