DSpace for E-Theses at the University of Edinburgh and Robert Gordon University Andrew Penman, RGURichard Jones, UoE DSpace for E-Theses at the University of Edinburgh and Robert Gordon University Theses Alive! Electronic Theses
DSpace for E-Theses at the University of Edinburgh and Robert Gordon University Andrew Penman, RGURichard Jones, UoE The RGU Led Electronic Theses Project University of London Library
DSpace for E-Theses at the University of Edinburgh and Robert Gordon University Andrew Penman, RGURichard Jones, UoE A FAIR Project Phase 1: Electronic Theses (July July 2004) Aim: To evaluate a wide range of existing practices of e-theses production, management and use against a set of criteria in order to produce models for use within the UK information environment. Phase 2: Developing E-Theses in a Service Environment (October September 2004) Aim: To develop e-theses in a service environment – taking account of the needs of an independent repository and a broader Virtual Research Environment (VRE).
DSpace for E-Theses at the University of Edinburgh and Robert Gordon University Andrew Penman, RGURichard Jones, UoE UK ETD Metadata Why produce a recommended set? –Streamline workflows –Standard format to encourage national uptake The selection process: –3 UK eFAIR cluster teams met at RGU –Identified suitable fields/qualifiers How it fits in with DSpace: –Easily configured for ETD usage in standard DSpace install –Standard in EUL tapir DSpace Add-on
DSpace for E-Theses at the University of Edinburgh and Robert Gordon University Andrew Penman, RGURichard Jones, UoE ETD RGU Initial research of software options identified E-Prints and DSpace as preferred software Both E-Prints and DSpace installed on Solaris 9 platform Archive comparison: –Identical content archived on both systems –Varied media and file formats used to identify and potential differences in capability
DSpace for E-Theses at the University of Edinburgh and Robert Gordon University Andrew Penman, RGURichard Jones, UoE DSpace for ETDs Installation and testing of tapir (EUL DSpace Add-on) Further customisation of DSpace Web-UI to allow for deeper integration with existing institutional and departmental WebPages Live archive planned for student use in October 2004 –Detailed student guidelines for the creation of ETDs covering all institutional departments to encourage use of multimedia –Workshops and promotion of the benefits and capabilities of ETDs COPELAND, S. & PENMAN, A. The development and promotion of Electronic Theses and Dissertations (ETDs) within the UK.
DSpace for E-Theses at the University of Edinburgh and Robert Gordon University Andrew Penman, RGURichard Jones, UoE DSpace VRE USE and Evaluation Customisation –Communities and Collections configured for VRE use –Additional functionality added (via DSpace JSPs) Evaluation –6 week trial period with researchers –Focus group sessions to discuss and identify issues Back to the drawing board… –Additional ideas incorporated for 2 nd stage of testing –Authentication – link with existing Novell system? –Sustainability issues considered
DSpace for E-Theses at the University of Edinburgh and Robert Gordon University Andrew Penman, RGURichard Jones, UoE RGU ETD website and further information… Papers, Articles & Event info. Suggested Regulations Suggested UK Guidelines Student & Staff F.A.Q UK Metadata Core Set
DSpace for E-Theses at the University of Edinburgh and Robert Gordon University Andrew Penman, RGURichard Jones, UoE Introducing Theses Alive! Adapt and develop an open source package for use across the UK Produce an OAI-compliant E-Thesis repository Develop a pilot national service with the aim of supporting E-Theses creation and management for UK universities Produce an institutional guide to adopting and managing E-Theses. Collect 500 E-Theses in the UK segment of the NDLTD
DSpace for E-Theses at the University of Edinburgh and Robert Gordon University Andrew Penman, RGURichard Jones, UoE Why DSpace at EUL? Jones, R. (2004), DSpace vs. ETD-db: Choosing software to manage electronic theses and dissertations, Ariadne, Issue 38.
DSpace for E-Theses at the University of Edinburgh and Robert Gordon University Andrew Penman, RGURichard Jones, UoE Tapir T heses A live P lug-in for I nstitutional R epositories
DSpace for E-Theses at the University of Edinburgh and Robert Gordon University Andrew Penman, RGURichard Jones, UoE Tapir Add-On (1) Supervised Workspace –Communication between supervisor(s)/advisor(s) and student –Hands-On supervision (edit metadata and add files) –Hands-Off supervision (observe and comment but not modify) Supervision Administrative Tools –Add/Remove Supervision Orders –Modify supervision group policies Restriction System –Request and apply a number of different sorts of restriction types, including domain restrictions and time- dependencies
DSpace for E-Theses at the University of Edinburgh and Robert Gordon University Andrew Penman, RGURichard Jones, UoE Tapir Add-On (2) Thesis Metadata Capture –Using recommended UK E-Theses metadata set –Submission system to sit alongside other submission systems –Flexible Licencing system to allow multi-part licences Metadata Export (on demand) –Custom metadata records for services who are not harvesting via OAI (e.g. British Thesis Service) –Library catalogue records (MARC21) Interface Upgrades –Ensure that it is clear what document types the client is viewing –Make the relevant metadata elements appear in view item mode
DSpace for E-Theses at the University of Edinburgh and Robert Gordon University Andrew Penman, RGURichard Jones, UoE Workflow in DSpace StudentSupervisor WorkSpace Faculty Office Submit Reject Viva & Corrections Accept Reject Library Complete Commit Archive The Thesis Submission Workflow
DSpace for E-Theses at the University of Edinburgh and Robert Gordon University Andrew Penman, RGURichard Jones, UoE Common Issues Apache and Tomcat configuration –Deploy Tomcat as Standalone Documentation (lack thereof) –Situation improving Handle Server Local Development –Modular approach planned for 2.0
DSpace for E-Theses at the University of Edinburgh and Robert Gordon University Andrew Penman, RGURichard Jones, UoE Thank You for Listening Andrew Penman Research Assistant Robert Gordon University Aberdeen Scotland Richard Jones Systems Developer Edinburgh University Library Edinburgh Scotland