A. Erzberger, April, 2003 Inquiry & Scientific Research.


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Presentation transcript:

A. Erzberger, April, 2003 Inquiry & Scientific Research

A. Erzberger, April, 2003 What is inquiry? How does QuarkNet connect research to classroom science? How do YOU connect research to classroom science? Inquiry & Scientific Research

A. Erzberger, April, 2003 Research in physics education is changing how science is taught. Research in Education

A. Erzberger, April, 2003 Science is for all students. Learning science is an active process. School science reflects the practice of science. Improving science education is part of systemic education reform. National Science Education Standards

A. Erzberger, April, 2003 Teaching Professional Development Assessment Content Program System All Facets Are Involved:

A. Erzberger, April, 2003 LESS emphasis on: treating students as a whole. MORE emphasis on: individual interests, strengths, needs. Changing Emphasis:

A. Erzberger, April, 2003 Changing Emphasis: LESS rigidly following curriculum MORE selecting and adapting curriculum

A. Erzberger, April, 2003 Changing Emphasis: LESS focusing on student acquisition of information. MORE understanding and use of sc. knowledge, ideas, & inquiry processes

A. Erzberger, April, 2003 Changing Emphasis: LESS lecture, text, and demos. MORE active, extended scientific inquiry

A. Erzberger, April, 2003 LESS recitation of acquired knowledge. MORE scientific discussion & debate. Changing Emphasis:

A. Erzberger, April, 2003 Changing Emphasis: LESS testing for facts at end of unit. MORE continuously assessing.

A. Erzberger, April, 2003 Changing Emphasis: LESS teacher responsible for learning. MORE students sharing responsibility for learning.

A. Erzberger, April, 2003 Changing Emphasis: LESS competition for grades. MORE cooperation, shared responsibility, respect.

A. Erzberger, April, 2003 LESSMORE

A. Erzberger, April, 2003 Professional Development LESS learning science by lecture and reading. MORE learning science through investigations.

A. Erzberger, April, 2003 Professional Development LESS separation of scientific and teaching knowledge. MORE integration of scientific & teaching knowledge.

A. Erzberger, April, 2003 Professional Development LESS teacher as technician. MORE teacher as intelligent, reflective practitioner.

A. Erzberger, April, 2003 Professional Development LESS teacher as individual in classroom. MORE teacher as member of collegial professional community.

A. Erzberger, April, 2003 Content LESS emphasis on knowing scientific facts. MORE understanding scientific concepts and developing inquiry abilities.

A. Erzberger, April, 2003 Content LESS on covering many topics. MORE studying a few fundamental concepts.

A. Erzberger, April, 2003 Content LESS separating scientific knowledge and scientific process. MORE integrating all aspects of scientific content.

A. Erzberger, April, 2003 Inquiry What is INQUIRY?

A. Erzberger, April, 2003 Inquiry Curiosity is the centerpiece of inquiry. We all start our lives as inquirers. The action of seeking... of asking...

A. Erzberger, April, 2003 Inquiry … is a way of thinking, of processing, of operating in the world....is bounded by repeatability of results, by self-consistency...

A. Erzberger, April, 2003 Scientific Inquiry … is concerned with content as well as process. is learning to ask good questions as much as getting good answers. occurs within the framework of previous knowledge. is concerned with gathering of evidence.

A. Erzberger, April, 2003 Scientific Inquiry … is personally-driven. is developed in scientists through mentoring over long periods of time. involves the skills of: directed observations problem solving analysis experimentation

A. Erzberger, April, 2003 Teachers Guide Inquiry Teachers shift attitude, not the curriculum. Teachers actively practice inquiry process, too. Teachers are sages - facilitators, but not “on stage”.

A. Erzberger, April, 2003 Doing Science! Science is what students do, NOT what is done to them.

A. Erzberger, April, 2003 Students … … experience inquiry and construct knowledge: NOT lists of facts and formula to memorize. NOT limited to theory - must allow multiple results (Not found in most labs!) NOT all hands-on. They use many resources.

A. Erzberger, April, 2003 Promoting Student Inquiry Students: investigate and analyze science questions. use process skills in the context of investigation. do longer investigations. design the investigations.

A. Erzberger, April, 2003 Students: use evidence for revising explanations. use science as argument and explanation. communicate scientific explanations. Promoting Student Inquiry

A. Erzberger, April, 2003 Inquiry and QuarkNet Inquiry in the science classroom should mirror as closely as possible the doing of real science.

A. Erzberger, April, 2003 Inquiry and QuarkNet QuarkNet teachers will do real science with you. QuarkNet students will learn by using inquiry that models real science.