English 51 Monday, April 8, 2013 Melissa Gunby
Free-write/Warm-up How have you added art to your life so far today? If you haven’t, what might you do? Please turn this in with your homework
As I was reading your advertising analysis essays, I noticed that many of you weren’t using Fowles’ essay as supporting evidence for your analysis of the appeals used.
One of the primary goals of this class is to learn to use the text as evidence; this is why we’re not doing outside research, but focusing on summarizing and responding to texts in the book for our major essay assignments. This is something that we will be looking for on the final exam
Why we need evidence Primarily, we need evidence because the reader needs to be shown why something is true. Unfortunately, your word isn’t enough
Disclaimer: The following examples are from the papers turned in for this class. No names are given to protect the innocent and/or guilty. I apologize in advance for any embarrassment this may cause.
For Example One of the main appeals the media uses to attract people's attention is sex. Lingerie ads are flooded with sex appeal. A Vassarette ad has a beautiful lady wearing a bra, on the side of the ad its plastered the words double sexy. This ad is obviously for women to make them feel that if they buy this product they will feel sexier. Of course flipping through he magazines this ad would instantly catch any man’s attention.
For example: The achievement of being able to afford such a pricey belonging will make them feel like they worked hard for it. For the need for prominence, women would want to buy the items on these ads because they too want to enjoy the prestigious and high social status like the models in the picture. These particular ads make them feel like they need to buy high end products in order to be like the model or feel respected. To clarify the need for prominence Jib Fowles writes, “Here comes the need to be admired and respected, to enjoy prestige and high social status” (144). Publishers know that some readers want to own the most expensive trendiest bag in order to feel important and know that they have an expensive item in their possession which will make the buyer feel exceptional.
Just like in a trial, where evidence is needed to convict a criminal, evidence is needed in your essays to support your point.
How do I know if I need more evidence? If you get to the end of the paragraph and need to ask “how do I know this is true?” then you probably need to use more evidence. If you are writing in response to a text, you should always refer back to that text, especially if you are using definitions particular to that text (like Fowles appeals).
Activity/Practice Form up into small groups (3-4 people each) I’m going to assign each group a short fairy tale to read. Read it, and as a group, find the passages that you think best support the statement: – ______________________ is the best fairy tale character.
Activity Continued Now, OUTLINE an essay in which you start with the following thesis statement, then use each quote you selected in a paragraph. – ________ is the best fairy tale character. You don’t have to write the essay, just show me how the quote will support the topic sentence Every person should make their own outline.
Homework Rough draft of comparison/contrast essay due on Wednesday for Peer Review