Yinghua Academy Curriculum Night September 15, 2015 Hello 3C Parents, Welcome to curriculum night! Please sign the attendance sheet and take the curriculum map and class schedule. Thank you! Huang laoshi
About Huang laoshi My name is Pin-Chen Huang. I have teaching experience in both English (3 years) and Chinese (5 years). I was teaching Chinese language and Chinese culture at The University of New York at Geneseo from 2010-2012. At the same time I completed my master degree in Multicultural Education (K-6) at SUNY Geneseo. I moved to Minnesota and joined Yinghua Academy in the summer of 2012. I am so excited to be your child’s teacher this year and I know it is going to be a great time for you, your child and myself.
Our Curriculum Curriculum map
Our Curriculum Curriculum map
Classroom Schedule (3C)
Chinese Language Arts (CLA) Our Curriculum Chinese Language Arts (CLA) 1. Textbook 2. Materials: a. Vocabulary workbook b. Character writing workbook d. Reading journal e. Composition f. Character dictation book 3. Pinyin 4. Dictionary
pinyin zhōng wén 中 文 (Chinese) yīng wén 英 文 (English)
Chinese Culture Integration Our Curriculum Chinese Culture Integration 1. Classic Tang Poetry 2. Popular Chinese Sayings and Proverbs 3. Cultural Knowledge and Activities
Singapore Math Our Curriculum 1. Problem solving-Model drawing 2. Materials: a. Workbook b. Practice packet by unit c. Worksheets 3. MCA (Minnesota Comprehensive Assessment) in April
Science and Social Studies Our Curriculum Science and Social Studies 1. Based on Core Knowledge curriculum 2. Materials: a. Teacher developed texts and workbook by unit b. Science kits 3. Field trips: a. Minnesota Zoo b. Bell Museum of Natural History c. Minnesota History Center
Third grade projects and assignments Chinese Language Arts Student-made dictionary Reading Program Writing journal Writing poetry Creating riddles Writing summary Writing story Story telling Writing a mini research report Writing cartoons or comic strips Chinese New Year Performance Social Studies Constructing timeline Constructing charts and graphs Creating pop-up books Making maps Constructing models Science Making posters Creating models Making collage Doing experiments Math Constructing charts or graphs Making board games
English Reading and Math Assessment English Reading and Math 1. NWEA: Fall 2015 and Spring 2016 2. MCA: April 2016 Chinese Reading/Writing and Math 1. One achievement test per subject per trimester: End of term exams 2. Unit tests: all subject areas 3. Weekly character quizzes (on Wednesdays)
Homework Expectations Purpose a. Reinforce concepts learned b. Practice targeting academic skills c. Learn to take responsibility Homework should be… a. Completed and turned in daily b. Corrected and turned in the next day for re-check
Character Writing Expectations
School Expectations 1. Always Try 2. Do Your Best 3. Cooperate and Help Others 4. Respect People and Property 5. Manage Yourself
Classroom Expectations Speak Chinese in the classroom. Raise your hand when you want to share something. Be respectful. Be kind to your friends. Help each other(we are a community). Give your best effort.
Consequences 1. Verbal reminder 2. Time out in classroom 3. Time out in buddy classroom 4. Student-teacher conference 5. Parent contact
How to Help Your Student Succeed in Third Grade? Check your child’s homework and sign the planner daily. Help your child with Math homework (English math terms, word problems). Reserve 30 minutes English reading time and 15 minutes Chinese reading time every night. Communicate your child’s needs with the teacher
Classroom Page Communication pin-chen.huang@yinghuaacademy.org Password: twenty1516 E-mail : pin-chen.huang@yinghuaacademy.org
Q & A