Kinematics (Stuff moving) (stuff). Start with vocabulary Position – where it is Displacement – how far it moved, direction (+/-) is important Velocity.


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Presentation transcript:

Kinematics (Stuff moving) (stuff)

Start with vocabulary Position – where it is Displacement – how far it moved, direction (+/-) is important Velocity – how fast it moves, direction is important (+/-) –Instantaneous, right now! Slope of tangent Average velocity – change in position divided by change in time

Vocabulary, continued Acceleration – rate of change in velocity –Instantaneous, Slope of velocity time curve –Average, over time interval –Our equations apply only to contsant acceleration –When acceleration changes, we break the problem into chunks of constant acceleration

The Equations!



Mommy Notice no time in this one!

One more! v t Avg velocity

The Equations!

Decipher word problems …at rest, …from rest – not moving at beginning… v 0 = zero! …Travels 10 m in 10 sec… –d f =10m,  t=10 s …reaches a maximum height – velocity at h max = zero!

Kinematics Examples

Freefall Examples Same kinematics equations… Just constant acceleration of g=9.8 m/s 2 toward mother earth.

Freefall Cases Downy Uppy Uppy - downy

Wrap up Givens Unknowns P&P E –Time or none given S & S & S

On site problem work More example problems from the worksheets

The Equations!