Mathematics Activity Project Katherine Miller ECED Fall 2006 Instructor: Dr. Fenqjen Luo
Matrix of NCTM Content/Process Standards Process Content Problem Solving Reasoning and Proof CommunicationConnectionsRepresentation Number and Operations Boom! Math Fraction Match Floor Number Line Algebra Measuring the String Geometry Measuring the String Measurement Measuring the String Data Analysis and Probability M&M Graphing
Floor Number Line Description: The students will use the number line to help find the number that comes before, between, or after the given numbers. Objective: The students will be able to numbers on a number line using the words before, after, and between. Content Standard: Numbers and Operations Understand numbers, ways of representing numbers, relationship among numbers, and number systems Expectation K-2: Develop a sense f whole numbers and represent and use them in flexible ways, including relating, composing, and decomposing numbers Process Standard: Representation Use representations to model and interpret physical, social, and mathematical phenomena
Floor Number Line Rules: The students will roll out the number line and get the worksheet that they will need to use with the number line. They will find the two given numbers from the worksheet on the number line in order to find the missing number. Once the find the missing number they will write it in on the worksheet.
M&M Graphing Description: The students will gather data and fill in a graph accordingly. Objective: The students can correctly graph the data that they collect. Content Standard: Data Analysis and Probability Formulate questions that can be addressed with data and collect, organize, and display relevant data to answer them Process Standard: Representation Create and use representations to model and interpret physical, social, and mathematical phenomena.
M&M Graphing Procedures: Students will sort the M&M’s that are in their bag by color. After sorting the M&M’s the students will count how many there are of each color. Once each color has been counted the students will fill in the graph accordingly.
Measuring the String Description: The students to use a ruler to find the length of the string. Then they will find the area of different size squares and rectangles even though the perimeter stays the same. Objective: The students can find the length of a piece of string and find the area of different boxes using the string. Content Standard: Geometry Analyze characteristics and properties of two-and three-dimensional geometric shapes and develop mathematical arguments about geometric relations Measurement Apply appropriate techniques, tools, and formulas to determine measurements. Algebra Process Standard: Connections Recognize and use connections among mathematical ideas. Reasoning and Proof Develop and evaluate mathematical arguments and proofs. Communication Communicate their mathematical thinking coherently and clearly to peers, teachers, and others
Measuring the String Procedures: The students will select a piece of string and then they will measure that string. After they measure the string they will have to find the area of different size squares and rectangles that have a perimeter that measure to be the length of the string. Once a square has been created the student will draw it on a piece of paper and write down the measurements of each side and find the area before creating a new square or rectangle. They must explain to the teacher how they are able to have a square or rectangle with the same perimeter but a different area.
Boom! Math Description: Students will take turns pulling a stick from his or her cup and correctly solving the problem on the stick. Objective: The students will identify and apply the correct number operation to the problem. Content Standard: Numbers and Operations Understand meanings of operations and how they relate to one another. Process Standard: Problem Solving Apply and adapt a variety of strategies to solve problems.
Boom! Math Rules: Player one draws a stick from cup one. If the player answers it correctly, the player keeps the stick. If the answer given is incorrect, the player loses a turn. If a player draws a “Boom!” stick from the cup, the player must put all of his/her sticks back into the cup. The “Boom!” stick drawn is set aside. When all sticks are drawn, the player with the most sticks wins. As the game is being played the students are to write their problems down on the given worksheet to help them solve them.
Fraction Match Description: The student will solve fraction problems using addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division to match with the correct answer. Objective: The student will identify and apply the correct number operation to solve the problems. Content Standard: Numbers and Operations Understand numbers, ways of representing numbers, relationships among numbers, and number systems. Process Standard: Problem Solving Apply and adapt a variety of strategies to solve problems.
Fraction Match Rules: Add, subtract, and multiply each fraction and match the correct answer to the problem with the continuity tester. When a correct match is made the continuity tester will light up.