Supplemental Instruction, Accommodation, or Modification Let’s test your learning 2
Teacher color codes important words or phrases. 3 George Washington was the first president of the United States
Teacher color codes important words or phrases. 4 George Washington was the first president of the United States Accommodation
A paraprofessional reads mathematical word problems aloud to a student. 5
6 Accommodation
A student retrieves 2 pictures from the Internet related to the essential elements of a World History topic. He demonstrates understanding by naming and pointing to the correct picture when cued by his peers during a presentation. 7
8 Modification
The student is provided additional 30 minutes of reading instruction on decoding after the guided reading block in his classroom. 9
10 Supplemental Instruction
A student is allowed to complete a project as an alternative to a test. 11
A student is allowed to complete a project as an alternative to a test. 12 Accommodation, as long as…
A student is learning the concepts of part, whole and half; her peers are working on adding fractions. 13
A student is learning the concepts of part, whole and half; her peers are working on adding fractions. 14 Modification
A teacher works with the class on the steps to compromising, while focusing on one specific student’s learning of this strategy. 15
A teacher works with the class on the steps to compromising, while focusing on one specific student’s learning of this strategy. 16 Supplemental Instruction
A student is provided audiotapes, CDs or MP3s of textbooks and follows with the text while listening. 17
A student is provided audiotapes, CDs or MP3s of textbooks and follows with the text while listening. 18 Accommodation, except…
A student is working on elapsed time through creating and using a schedule of his daily activities, while his classmates work on multi-step word problems with elapsed time. 19
A student is working on elapsed time through creating and using a schedule of his daily activities, while his classmates work on multi-step word problems with elapsed time. 20 It Depends…
Graphic organizers are used as notes such as semantic webs or concept maps. 21
Graphic organizers are used as notes such as semantic webs or concept maps. 22 Accommodation
The student’s math worksheet is reduced from 25 to 10 problems. 23
The student’s math worksheet is reduced from 25 to 10 problems. 24 Accommodation, as long as…
The student is provided alternative books with similar concepts, but at an easier reading level. 25
The student is provided alternative books with similar concepts, but at an easier reading level. 26 Accommodation, as long as…
A small group of students are taught how to design their own personal mnemonic to memorize the 50 states. 27
A small group of students are taught how to design their own personal mnemonic to memorize the 50 states. 28 Supplemental Instruction
A student is required to discriminate between animals and plants when given pictures and short descriptions, while the rest of the class is required to tell the distinguishing characteristics of animal and plant cells. 29
A student is required to discriminate between animals and plants when given pictures and short descriptions, while the rest of the class is required to tell the distinguishing characteristics of animal and plant cells. 30 Modification
Student has a designated note taker who takes the notes of a class using carbonless paper. 31
Student has a designated note taker who takes the notes of a class using carbonless paper. 32 Accommodation
A student is provided instruction on how to squeeze a soft squishy ball instead of rocking in her chair, when she feels anxious. 33
A student is provided instruction on how to squeeze a soft squishy ball instead of rocking in her chair, when she feels anxious. 34 Supplemental Instruction
How did you do? 35