An Overview…
How to Create… Collect a Text Set. Set Up a Listening Center. Coordinate Content-Area Textbook Readings. Locate Technology Resources. Identify Potential Words for the Word Wall. Consider How Students Will Use Learning Logs. Identify Strategies and Skills. Plan Talk and Visually Representing Activities. Brainstorm Possible Projects.
Strategies and Skills Before Reading During Reading After Reading
Teaching 2 kinds of teaching: - Direct instruction - Indirect instruction
Activities Teacher responsibilities & Students task/activities –Before reading –During reading –After reading
Assessment Plan ways to monitor and assess students learning with assignment checklists, rubrics, and other assessment tools. Authentic Assessment -examining the process & the product
Involvement Family Community
Samples and Ideas The Titanic Caterpillars
Material Resources Thematic Pathfinders for All Ages PBS Mailbox Magazine Books The Teachers Corner TCR EdHelper
Putting it all Together Advantages –Students –Teachers Research Handout
References Meinbach, A.M., Rothlein L., Fredricks, A.D. (1995). The complete guide to thematic units: Creating the integrated classroom. Norwood, MA: Christopher Gordon Publishers, Inc. Richardson, J.S. & Morgan, R.F. (1994). Reading to learn in the content areas. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth, Inc. Tompkins, G. (2009). Language arts: Patterns of practice. USA: Pearson.