Safety is of the utmost importance! In the science classroom we work with chemicals, glassware, animals, and many other things that have the potential to _______________ you but also the potential to ________________ you if you aren’t _________________! Therefore, always think “_____________ ______________!”
Always Follow Procedures! _______________ are given for a reason – to keep you _____________! Following procedures greatly decreases the _______________ of having an ________________. ______________ to the ______________ to hear the correct procedures.
Always Notify the Teacher First! If an ________________ happens. If anything doesn’t go according to plan. If you need special ______________________. If someone is _____________. If something _______________. If equipment doesn’t work. If something catches on ____________. If you aren’t ____________ about something. If you have any ___________________ at all.
It is my job to keep you _________. I am _____________ to handle emergencies. I will let you know what to do.
What to Expect in an Emergency
Fires You may be asked to _______________ immediately. I may use the fire ______________________. If a person is on fire, I will use the __________ _____________ to put it out.
Chemicals You may be asked to leave immediately. We may use paper towels to ______________ a ____________. Students who have come in contact with a chemical will need to wash with _________ and __________ - but notify me first!
Broken Glass I may ask you to place broken glass in the _____________ ___________ ________. I may ask you to sweep up the glass. NEVER touch broken glass with your __________ ____________. ALWAYS use a ____________, ___________, or paper ____________.
Cuts After ______________ me, cover the cut with a paper towel and report to the ____________.
During an Emergency If you are safe, the best thing to do is ___________ out of the _________. After notifying me of an accident, warn others to ___________ ____________. You may be asked to ______________ the nurse, principal, or custodian of the accident.
Wear Protective Gear Lab Coat/Apron Goggles – The only time you don’t have to use these is when using a ___________________. _________________ (notify me if you are allergic to latex). Tie back long ____________ __________________ shoes (NO SANDALS) This protects you from ___________________ materials which react with the skin.
Keep the Teacher Informed If you wear _____________ lenses. If you have any ________________. If you begin to experience any sort of _________________ reaction.
Keep _____________ Away From Burners + =
Keep _________________ Away From Water + =
When Heating Liquids Use beakers made from _____________ ________________ glass. Keep loose ________________ away from the flame. Wear safety ________________.
Keep Aisles and Walkways Clear Minimizes Tripping Allows for a safe _____________.
Other Rules to Follow Point test tubes and other containers away from _________________. Never take _______________ from the _____________. Always be __________________. Absolutely no _________________.
Other Rules to Follow Discard _____________ & __________ waste in containers identified by me. NEVER _________ or __________ in lab. Stay out of the _____________ room. If asked to smell a chemical, always _____________.
Clean-Up _______________ are responsible for cleaning up your _______________. Clean up before you leave to ensure a ______________ lab for the next group. If your lab isn’t clean when you arrive, ____________ me ____________________.
Lab Etiquette Throw your _________________ in the trash can. Do not throw it on the _______, on your __________, or in the _________. At the end of the period, ___________ papers and materials _____________ on your lab table for the next group. Push in your _____________ before you leave (7th Period: Stack chairs on tables). Be ____________________ of other lab groups that will use your space after you.
When Handling Biological Specimens and Bodily Fluids Cover your face with ________________ or a ______________ ______________. Wear ________________. Wear ________________ shoes.
Working with Live Animals Wash your hands with soap and water after handling ______________ _______________ (or chemicals). If possible, release the animal back to its _____________ ___________ IF it can survive. Do not conduct experiments which are ___________________ to the animal or which would hinder its ___________________. Do not alter the animal’s place in its ___________________.
Working with Humans Scientists are expected to take the utmost care when conducting experiments with ______________ participants. Participation must be ______________. All ______________, ______________, and ______________ ______________ must be disclosed to participants beforehand.
When a medical technician analyzes human body fluids such as blood, which safety precaution would not be necessary? A. protective gloves B. safety goggles/face shield C. closed-toed shoes D. lead-lined apron
When submitting research proposals to funding agencies, investigators must follow ethical guidelines. What information in a research proposal would be considered bogus and lead to rejection of the proposal? A. plan for monitoring safety B. estimates of the number of participants required for the study C. data from experiments that have not been performed D. projected budget for equipment and laboratory personnel
Scientific Equipment
Used for measuring more exact amounts of liquid. Example: 150 mL of water could be measured in a beaker, but 157 mL would need to be measured using a graduated cylinder.
____________ ____________ ____________
Triple Beam Balance Used for measuring mass.
____________ and ____________
____________ ____________
____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________
Different Types of ____________