College Readiness Begins in Middle School Examine the extent of early exploration and planning in certain college readiness areas Setting educational goals Selecting classes Exploring Postsecondary options Taking career assessment and interest inventory Explore how parents, school staff and school experiences help students with their early educational planning
Rigorous Curriculum for ALL Students No matter where they are bound: Vocational or Technical Colleges Apprenticeships Community College, or 4-year College Directly into the workforce …a rigorous college preparatory curriculum gives students the best options for life after high school.
When students’ skills are improved during middle school, the results by the end of high school can be astounding MAKING READINESS A REALITY Monitor College Readiness Early Based on more than 540,000 8th graders who took EXPLORE in 2007: Majority of students are not on target in middle school to be ready for college-level work after high school ACT data suggests that students who enter high school lacking prerequisite skills rarely ever catch up
EXPLORE 8 th /9 th Grade EXPLORE 8 th /9 th Grade PLAN 10 th grade PLAN 10 th grade ACT 11 th /12 th grade ACT 11 th /12 th grade Score Scales Relationship English Math Reading Science English Math Reading Science English Math Reading Science Writing
Student Score Report Review
Using Your EXPLORE Results
What do Your Scores Mean? Composite Score15 Range (1-25)
Your Estimated PLAN Composite Score Range
Your High School Course Plans Compared to Core
A rigorous college preparatory curriculum in high school is the best indicator of college success. To help students develop proficiency in the four core content areas, ACT strongly recommends that students take, at a minimum: Importance of Rigorous Coursework English (4 years) English 9 English 10 English 11 English 12 Math (3 years+) 9 Algebra I 10 Geometry 11 Algebra II/Trigonometry (1 sem.) Any courses beyond Algebra II 12 Probability and Statistics 12 Pre Calculus 12 AP Calculus Social Studies (3 years+) 9 World History American History 12 American Government 12 Economics Geography Psychology History Other (European, State, etc.) Natural Science (3 years+) 9Biology 10 Physical Science 11 or 12 Environmental Science Geology Chemistry or (AP) Physics Anatomy AP Biology
Your Reported Needs
Your Plans for After High School
College Readiness Benchmark Scores * The ACT Benchmark Score indicates a 50% chance of obtaining a “B” or a 75% chance of obtaining a “C” in corresponding credit-bearing college courses.
College Readiness
Students who meet ACT’s College Readiness Benchmarks are: substantially more likely to enroll in college less likely to need remediation more likely to achieve a grade of B or higher in specific college courses More likely to re-enroll at the same postsecondary institution their second year Recent ACT Research
Your EXPLORE results give you an early clue as to whether you will be ready for college-level work if you keep doing the same things in school. ACT has also developed College Readiness Benchmark Scores. If you meet these benchmark scores, you are on your way to having the skills you will need by the time you finish high school. The checkmarks show whether you scored above, at, or below the benchmark scores. Students who score at or above the College Readiness Benchmark Scores for EXPLORE in English, math, and science will probably do well in these subjects in high school and college if they keep up with their coursework. Students scoring at or above the reading benchmark are on their way to having the reading skills they will need in all of their high school and college courses. Thinking about College?
EXPLORE Score Report Side 2
Review Your Answers
Building Your Skills
The back of your Score Report describes the skills and knowledge you already probably have. You'll also see some ideas for improving even more in the different subject areas. The suggestions are based on your scores and can help you do better. As a student, You will definitely want to discuss these ideas with your counselors, teachers, and parents so that you can work together to get the most from your courses and be "college ready." How Can I Improve?
EXPLORE 8th-Grade Benchmark = 17 Score Range: 16 – 19 Perform one-operation computation with whole numbers and decimals Solve problems in one or two steps using whole numbers Perform common conversions (e.g., inches to feet or hours to minutes) Translating Scores to Skills
Oneonta High School Scores – Oct Scores are reported by subjects: English, Math, Reading, Science Scores are compared to the EXPLORE Benchmarks to examine college readiness. This is the first year to administer the EXPLORE, there are no comparative scores to previous years. Although last year it was given as optional and 60 students participated.
How does our students’ performance compare with that of students in the national norm group?
Are our students achieving similarly across gender groups?
How do our students differ in their career preferences?
World of Work Map Interest Inventory Results
Using Your EXPLORE Results
Coursework Planning On Page 11
Coursework Planner Page 12
Resources for Parents
Scroll to the bottom of the page and click on “parents”, you get to this page!
Sample Tests: Tips on English, math, reading and science subtests: Tips on Writing portion Tips on how to prepare for the test: The entire process of testing:
ALSDE TESTING PLAN ACT EXPLORE 8 TH 2010 NO TESTING9 TH 2011 ACT PLAN10 TH 2012 ACT 11 TH 2013 Take the ACT as many times as you can to reach your scholarship goal. To review this information, you can find this presentation posted on my website. Go to 1.go to OHS 2.go to school staff 3.find my name and go to presentations