Reproduction Animals for breeding should be excellent representatives of their breed Decision to breed should not be made without a specific goal in mind
Myths and Considerations Regarding Breeding of Dogs and Cats People breed dogs and cats for many reasons Decision to bring new life into the world should be made following serious consideration Being a responsible breeder requires deliberate thought and effort
Myths and Considerations Regarding Breeding of Dogs and Cats Many myths and "faulty" reasons – Breeding dogs/cats is a good way to make money – My children should see the miracle of birth – My dog/cat is really great, and I want to have another dog/cat just like her – Raising a litter is so much fun – My pet will miss out on an important part of life if is not given the opportunity to reproduce – We can find good homes for the puppies/kittens
Canine Reproduction Four phases in females (not spayed are called bitches) Typically have 2 estrus or “heat” periods per year (about 6 months apart), each lasting about 2 to 3 weeks First heat occurs between 6 and 15 months of age, depending on the size of the dog (later in larger breeds; earlier for small breeds) Females can become pregnant during their first heat or any later heat period
Canine Reproduction Proestrus - Start of heat. Lasts 7 to 10 days. Vulva swells and blood flows. Females attract males but will not allow mounting Estrus - Mating period. Lasts 5 to 10 days. Blood flow lessens and then stops. Females attract and accept males. Ovulation occurs during this time, usually 2 to 3 days after mating Diestrus - The period 10 to 140 days after heat, when the dog is either pregnant or in a resting phase Anestrus - The resting period between diestrus and the next heat cycle
Canine Reproduction During estrus there is variation within dogs – smaller breeds release fewer oocytes resulting in smaller litter sizes than larger breeds Polytocous = ovulating multiple oocytes and bearing multiple offspring or litters
Canine Reproduction Breeding management of dogs – Gestation length 63 days from first breeding Ranges from 58 to 68 days – Imminent delivery Drop in rectal temperature Will drop from 100ºF to 98ºF - 99ºF about 8 to 12 hours before labor
Canine Reproduction Intact males do not have a cycle Will respond to females in heat any time of the year Most fertile when full grown
Canine Reproduction The swelling of the bulbus glandis, once inside the female reproductive tract, causes the copulatory tie After intromission, the male steps down from the mounting position During the tie, the two animals are physically unable to separate – lasts 5-60 minutes, and will separate after this time – damage can be done to the reproductive tracts if separated unnaturally