Calling All Females Danielle Volpe Writing 3030 Discussion of the underrepresentation of females in STEM
Overview The reasons as to why women are underrepresented in STEM fields is a commonly discussed topic, that is sure to rile up feminists from all over. I want to slightly stray away from ‘why’ and look at ‘how’. How can we change this problem and create a solution to this gender gap that is forcing gender inequality to prosper.
A brief insight as to why women are underrepresented in STEM fields ? Childhood ideals that STEM is strictly for males(Area of main focus discussed) Discrimination of women in STEM majors, programs and careers that drive women out. Inflexibility to female life changes, specifically child-bearing and creating a family.
The future of STEM education: Roni Ellington at TEDxBaltimore :28-2:57
BioPsychoSocial Model to explain the possible gender disparity in STEM
Where Should We Focus? Childhood intervention in school Specifically, attitudes and beliefs Implicit bias and stereotype threat
Possible Study Study : Assess testing scores as well as attitudes about female perception and success in STEM fields for females in all girl schools compared to intermixed schools. In doing this, stereotype threat where implicit biases about where each gender should excel can be independently tracked. Participants : Randomly selected females from all girls elementary schools and randomly selected females from intermixed elementary schools across the country (2nd to 5th grade, respectfully). Results : Findings from this study will hopefully indicate significant data assessing specifically at what age this gender bias is most prominent and if male integration exacerbates this bias. Results will indicate where programs and focus could be concentrated. Discussion : In order to bridge this gender gap in STEM, we need young girls to believe that that could be them one day. That they too can be a leader in invention and innovation, just like their male peers. This belief stems from powerful teachers and mentors at an early age.