The quest for intelligence by Sam Verga and Dominic Spizzirri
There is a stereotype saying blonde haired people are less intelligent than dark haired people, could this be true? And does it matter about the sex of the person?
We made a twelve question survey asking two questions about gender and natural hair color, and then ten other commonly known questions. Then blocked four different groups of female blondes, female brunettes, male blondes, and male brunettes. We surveyed five randomly selected people from each group. We then took the data and compared them.
How many sides does a trapezoid have? How many members did the Beetles have? How many senators do we have per state? What is the elemental symbol for Hydrogen? Where did the pilgrims land? How many stripes are on the American Flag? What caused Nixon to resign from position of President? What is the sum of angles of a triangle? What celebrity is famous for saying “That’s hot”? What fast food restaurant has a salad that’s less healthy than their cheeseburgers?
A trapezoid has four sides. The Beetles had four members. There are two senators per state. The elemental symbol for Hydrogen is H. The pilgrims landed at Plymouth Rock. There are thirteen stripes on the American Flag. Nixon resigned because of the Watergate Scandal. The sum of the angles of a triangle add up to 180 degrees. Paris Hilton is famous for saying “That’s hot.” McDonalds or Wendy’s have cheeseburgers that are healthier than their salads.
After all surveys were give and results were received, the stereotype of blondes being less intelligent did not have a factor here. The group that had the most questions wrong were Brunette males who had most trouble with the question ‘Where did the pilgrims land?’
There were a couple factors that gave trouble with data. There were surveys that could not be used because the answers were not taken seriously. Also some surveys were done with the help of others when the person was asked not to ask for any help. If this survey was to be done again, we would have the volunteers do it in front of us in a more private area so getting help from others would not be possible.
In conclusion, the stereotype of blondes being less intelligent showed no relationship. The blonde males and females in this experiment proved to be smarter than the brunettes basically getting the majority of the questions right.